Sunday, August 31, 2008


(This is a guest post by The Engineer Of Knowlege)

In the depression era of the 1930’s, economically depressed women would work at night in local music dance halls. For “ten cents a dance,” a man could dance with a woman of his choice for as long as the song lasted occasionally copping a feel during the dance. The more women allowed these men liberties with their roaming hands, the more men danced with them and the women made more money they desperately needed to survive. Women would tolerate this degradation because they needed the money to survive during these hard life years.

Well John McCain has found an oil industry “Taxi Dancer” to pimp off; someone willing to let the oil industry cop a feel for as long as the song lasts because she needs their money for her continued financial political employment. Yes Sarah Palin is pro-actively willing to allow the oil industry their liberties in Alaska for not much more than “ten cents a dance.” John McCain has chosen someone to mouth off the extreme right’s message of giving the oil industry every off-shore drilling site rites, global warming is not happening, and women don’t have the right to be responsible for their own bodies, etc. Sarah now is voicing the exact same message to be applied to the whole nation.

These are issues that John McCain did not even believe in himself through out his whole political carrier! John McCain cannot tout this message because there is too much documentation proof showing how much he would be willing to lie now to win this election. So put the experienced “Taxi Dancer” Sarah Palin out in the middle of the dance floor under the shinny, mirrored ball fragmenting light of truth so no one will really look very deeply at the oil industry cartel’s message being passed off as Republican values.

Even though both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin are women, Sarah’s oil industries’ “cop a feel” message is everything that Hillary Clinton fought against during her election. Yes Sarah Palin was chosen to play to what they think of as the disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters and to the extreme conservative religious right who likes to rewrite our own U.S. history. Those who like to make the claim that all of our founding fathers thought as they do today. Nothing could be more inaccurate as to the truth. Our founding fathers were part of the “Age of Enlightenment” and followers of visionaries like Voltaire.

One of my favorite quotes of Thomas Jefferson is, “Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.”

Even T. Boone Pickens, someone who made his $44 billion in personal wealth in the oil industry, is now using his own money to buy ads getting the important message out that this is the wrong continued direction and will surely drive the U. S. into a economically third world country.

Today, the oil industry is really just interested in processing the paperwork giving them the all oil rites to off-shore sites. Without investing another dime to develop these sites, the oil industry can then sell these rites to foreign interests at a large profit. Of course Sarah Palin’s oil industries script will be, “That we need these oil rite sites awarded to the oil industry to make the U.S. energy independent.”

So in closing, if you like what you see in Sarah Palin, pay your “ten cents a dance,” and “cop a feel for as long as the song lasts,” because the poor soul really needs the money to just get by!

illustration by microdot

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