Saturday, August 30, 2008

To Tell The Truth

We have just been introduced to Sarah Palin. The gushing attempts by the Republican Pundits to sell her to the American people extol her honesty and christian morality.
This tale which I am going to unfold here may seem to be pure muckraking, but it is a tale of twisted morality and the attempt to deny reality. It is the story of a big lie.

On March 6th of this year, Governor Sarah Palin announced to an amazed public that she was pregnant with her 5th child. What was amazing to her collegues was that she said she was 7 months along and no one around the petite ex beauty queen had any idea. There was no outward sign.

She went about her daily routine without a change. She even continued jogging.
On April 18th, she was in Texas for a Republican Governors Convention and was to deliver a keynote speech on energy policy. At 4 am, Sarahh reported that she was beginning to go into labor. Instead of checking into a hospital, she called her doctor in Alaska and went on to make her keynote speech later that day.

After the speech, she boarded a 8 hour flight from Dallas to Alaska with a stop over in Seattle. She informed no one on the Airline that she was in labor. Usually a woman whose pregnancy is as far along as Sarah claimed to be is not allowed to fly without a doctors letter. The airline employees all said that the governor was very pleasant and didn't show any signs of distress.

When the plain landed, Sarah did not check into a modern medical facility in Anchorage, but instead went to the small Mat-su Regional Medical Center, right outside of the small town of Wasilla, which she was once mayor of.
There she allegedly gave birth to Trig Palin, one month prematurely. Trig was diagnosed with Downs Syndrome.
She returned to a full work schedule 2 days later.

Why did she choose to deliver in a small poorly equipped clinic where she had numerous contacts? Why did she wait almost 20 hours after she reported her water broke to go into a hospital?

The answer is, Sarah Palin was not pregnant!
Her 16 year old daughter was!

Allegedly, Bristol Palin was out of High School for 8 months with "mono".
The State of Alaska has removed photos of Bristol during this period. The picture here is one of the family from this period and it's very obvious that Bristol is not just trying to hide baby fat.

People like to think the vetting process is secure, and completed months ahead of time, but ABC News has reported otherwise, painting a picture of a quick vetting process for Sarah by a small, but secretive group of McCain's legal staff. A proper vetting process under those circumstances would only go so far, and the true media vetting process has just begun.

It doesn't come as a surprise that this story was never properly researched. Palin was never on the National scene for more than a few minutes at a time, and local reporting only goes so far on a governor with an 80% approval rating. However, the motivation to cover daughter's pregnancy aligns with her political standings. She valiantly did not perform an abortion, but fell into the fundamentalist way of thinking, and covered up for the elicit (but natural) action's of her daughter.

There could be calls below to delete this information. Calls that this type of information is muckraking and 'below us'. The truth is not below any progressive, nor any citizen of the world that is one heartbeat away from having Palin as leader of the free world. We simply ask that she be forthright, honest, and not waste our time with such juvenile games that anyone with eyes can see as fabrication.

Bristol Palin rightfully should be able to embrace her child in public as her own, with no shame, and no quarter. And a mother should be just as accepting.


  1. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Well written. Timely. And the most likely theory for all these strange occurrences.

    It shows very poor judgment on the part of Sarah Palin to accept a VP slot which was likely to shed light on every aspect of her and her family's life. If she really cared about her daughter, she would have declined the slot or come clean about this issue. Instead her first lie has led to many other lies and her initial impulse to protect her daughter has been seduced by her desire for national acclaim. Instead she will have national shame.

    It shows very poor judgment on the part of McCain - to nominate someone without sufficient vetting and without taking adequate time and particularly without taking the welfare of the country into account.

    Is this putting "America first?" McShame!

  2. Anonymous2:12 AM

    That family picture was in the Anchorage Daily news in 2006. (still there you can see it for your self) And Sarah Palin is breast feeding.

    So how does this all make sense?

    Just a thought... hmmm

  3. Hmmm, well as interesting as it might make this whole situation, first off, even if the photo fits the timeframe, I don't think her daughter necessarily looks pregnant. She has on a stretchy clingy style shirt which accentuates a bit of a belly, which isn't uncommon among teenager girls who aren't anorexic.

    As far as Sarah doing all that while she was in labor, having been through labor and delivery a few times myself, it is possible she was having symptoms of early labor, which aren't necessarily all that overwhelming.

    I'm curious enough now to track down some pictures of her during that timeframe. Still she wouldn't be the first woman to disguise a pregnancy by the clothes she chose. All she'd have to do is adapt her usual wardrobe a bit. Even if an occasional person looked twice, who's going to ask?

    Also the Down's Syndrome baby fits with her age at the time more than her daughter's.

    That said, even with the story as it stands, she took a very real risk with that baby by maintaining her schedule like that, especially since she was obviously not always within easy range of medical care. With any baby, much less a 5th child, she could have delivered in no time at all, plus she knew she was having a Down's Syndrome child who could have had more health problems. I'm sure in her mind since it all worked out, it was "in God's hands" but to me it was pure recklessness.

    Which leads to the next point. She must be creating a real dilemma for many conservative women. As a group they don't tend to like working moms all that much. And this isn't just a working mom, this is someone who barely stayed home long enough to name her baby. It's interesting though to see the same people who would have lambasted someone like Hillary Clinton if she'd headed off on the campaign trail with an infant now backtracking all over the place about how women can have it all.

    Another of the many things that really stood out for me about Obama was his taking a week off to spend time with his family. From here on in, there's very little leeway for anyone to sleep much less hang out on a beach in Hawaii. She will have to really prove to the women she's trying to attract that she IS being a mom too while all the rest of this is going on.

  4. ooops she did it again......

  5. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Truth is starnger than fiction.

    Or, Truth is starnger than fishin'.

