Monday, September 15, 2008

Biggest Political Rally In The History Of Alaska!

On Saturday, September 13, 1500 protestors gathered in front of the Loussac Library in
downtown Anchorage, Alaska to protest the candidacy of Sarah Palin as the is a link to the story in the Anchorage Daily News.

Planning for the protest began as discussions over coffee by a small group calling itself "Alaska Women Reject Palin." As recently as Friday, the group thought it possible that just 10 people would show up to the event. But it went viral on the Internet, with friends forwarding e-mails to friends, and people saying they saw a chance to vent their frustration over what several called the myth of Palin.

"Sarah Palin frightens the hell out of me. I don't want her anywhere near the White House," said Marybeth Holleman of Anchorage.

Protesters had a wide range of beefs with the governor. They included backers of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, abortion rights proponents, advocates for wolves and polar bears, opponents of the Iraq war, and people who said Palin is not ready to be a heartbeat from the presidency.

Many in the pro-Palin group said they heard about the event on the Eddie Burke radio show on KYBR AM in Anchorage.

Palin opponents said the Burke show also inspired many of them to show up after Burke gave out cell phone numbers of protest organizers on his show.

"We were bombarded with all kinds of hateful, abusive, intimidating phone calls," said Charla Sterne, one of the organizers.

Burke was at the Saturday protest, carrying a sign that said "Alaska is not Frisco." He said the women sent out the phone numbers in a press release about the protest, and he didn't realize they were personal cell numbers.

Burke said he's apologized for calling the Alaska Women Reject Palin group "maggots."

"I used the words socialist, baby killing maggots," said Burke, adding he's only taking back the part about maggots.

This is a fantastic spontaneous example of people refusing to be intimidated and letting their voices be heard. The press over the week end seems to have really turned against the lies, racism, intimidation techniques and the mindless dogma the McCain Campaign seems to be running on.

In spite of all they do. Trying to control the press and waging their war of intimidation, lies and fear, Americans know that the days of the Bush McCain Era are finally over! JOHN MCCAIN WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

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