Friday, September 26, 2008


Today on CNN it is reported that Phil Gramm has said that later today, the McCain Campaign will request that the Biden/Palin debate be cancelled and moved to a later unspecified date.
Again, they are hiding behing a "concern" for the country. We have already seen McCain's concern in the ast 24 hours. He said he was suspending his campaign and it was all to easy to discover the fact that he had certainly not! His emergency trip to Washington was just a photo op and has shoved the teetering economic bill over the edge of the cliff. He has enabled the gaggle of House republicans who want to milk this for personal political gain to push the nation one step closer to economic chaos.
The video I attached to this post is a spoof. Yesteday, I tried to post the video of the real Palin/Katy Couric exchange regarding her foreign affairs experience. CBS was somehow forced to take it down. The entire interview is available now on YouTube in 2 parts. I did faithfully record the transcript of the exchange in my last post, Spin(OUT OF)Control, so if you really want to read what Palin said, please go there.
If you haven't already seen it, you will be amazed. The interview is being referred to in all of the major media as a disaster.
So, enjoy this spoof of the interview...the voice actually belongs to Miss South Carolina 2007 from one of the most watched videos on YouTube!

I will repeat this sobering thought. In the history of the American Republic, in the midst of wars and economic disasters, the elections process was never before impeded.
Debates went on during the Civil War. Now, because of their faltering campaign, the McCain/Palin ticket is trying to derail the electoral process and conduct a cmapaign of Negative ads, Photo Ops and Surrogate Racism. Obama is ahead in all polls. He was reporteds to have a 13 point lead in this mornings Detroit Free Press in Michigan.
It would be easy to simply call John McCain a Chicken shit.......
But it's much more serious than that. The Republicans think that they must win to protect the corrupt power base they have constructed and their Neo Con "Projects".
There is too much to be lost if an "unfriendly" administration got ahold of information that would lead to ciminal prosecution because of lines of constitutional and moral law that have been compromised in the last 8 years.
They want to cancell debate today, but under the emergency powers that George Bush granted himself earlier this year to suspend constitutional law when he deemed it was an emergency, could he, would he suspend an election?


  1. Anonymous2:19 AM

    From Engineer of Knowledge

    Hello Microdot,
    A well stated and thought provoking posting. Good Job.

    Loved the Blabbering Palin. That is why you are the best at satire humor.

  2. For the record, in the previous posts, I quote Madame Palin Verbatim.

    I love reading the conservative press right now...Wills, Brooks, Parker from the National Review have all written scathing demands that Palin has to go away, NOW!

  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge:

    Hello Microdot,
    I am in the computer lab at college working on my Marketing Degree now and decided to catch up with what’s new today on your site. I won’t get home until late tonight.

    You are correct!! The Republican Party in general wants this “All Flash and No Substance” nut job to go away. Even the GOP strategist Rob Stutzman’s only comment of her Katie Couric interview performance was simply, “Bury the interview!”
    The one I love is if you go to utube and just type in “Palin and witchcraft.” It will take you to a service one Sunday at her Pentecostal Church. Just watch and listen to video footage taken by her church showing her Alaskan church congregation laying hands on her praying for protection from witches trying to derail her campaign.
