Thursday, September 04, 2008

A Jackboot On The Neck Of Freedom

Democracy Now's Amy Goodman, her producer, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and cameraman, Nicole Salazar were arrested by the Minneapolis Police Department. Charged with conspiracy to riot. Footage from Rick Rowley and Brandon Jourdan.
Amy was doing an interview with the Governor of Minnesota when she was notified that her producer and camera man were being arrested for filming the Police action on the streets of St. Paul. She left the interview and tried to ask what was happening and was bruitalized. Sharif and Nicole both required medical attention.
Over 300 journalists have been arrested and detained by the police at the Republican National Convention. Very little of the footage of what has occurred has made it to the airwaves. There is something so creepy about the atmosphere inside and outside the Convention Arena.
The reports we hear on the media news are those blaring hysterical tales of mobs of anarchists and one person who was allegedly plotting to use a molotov cocktail. The pre convention law enforcement preparations included warrantless break ins and taking people that had been under surveillance into custody. The bulk of their targets were young people invlovrd in politcal activists groups of all varieties.
The reports I have read really indicate that the violence is caused by small groups, embedded with in a protest, creating a incident which allow the authorities to begin clubbing, gassing and arresting.
The blog, Making Light has a very interesting post with eyewitness accounts of what has been occurring there.
Here in France, protests are a very common occurence. It is part of how people let their voices be heard. Through out the history of protests here, there has always been the tradition of Casseurs...agents provacateurs who are recruited to foment violence and cause problems. The use of Casseurs is a way of generating negative publicity.
It is also a tool of fascism to sway public opinion and intimidate legitimate protest!

What is occurring in St. Paul now is one of the most oppressive actions of suppressing protest and the voice of the opposition I have seen in America. It's happening in the streets and it is happening in the media. John McCain has let the media know that he is angry with them. He cancelled appearances on CNN because someone asked too many embarrassing questions about Sarah Palin.
The mainstream network media let an entire day go by at the RNC with out having any opposition analysis. I have to call it as I see it. The repression of the press is a jackboot on the neck of the people. This is Fascism.

To continue my series of great political music, I'd like to post this video from Tuesday of the band, Rage Against The Machine performiong live at the Republican National Convention on the streets. Midway through the performance, the authorities cut off the power, undaunted, the band played on!

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