Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Lipstick on a pig? Obama attacks John McCain and all he can do is hide behind a woman?
Lipstick on a pig? This is what politics in America has devolved into?
Look at the two videos. One is the Obama comment which is being hyped today.
The second is John McCain a few months ago using the same language and making basically the same analogy.....
John McCain, what a fucking scum bag! John McCain, the biggest hypocrite of modern political history. He knows that he doesn't look good anymore and is so vain he has to be have an hour or so of makeup and be shot through a fuzzy filter like some over the hill starlet to do an interview.
He's so threatened by Barack Obama that he made his big gamble and chose Sarah Palin to totally distract America from the real issues that he knows he would only lose on!
This is going to be the rest of the campaign? John McCain hiding behind Sarah Palin because he's too chicken shit to let the American people see what a lame sorry ass excuse he has devolved into? I picked up the latest issue of le Canarde Enchaine today, which is a French political weekly newspaper that mixes political intelligence with satire and the view from here doesn't look good! The reaction is "Is this some kind of joke?" Is America really so brain dead?


  1. The sad reality is that many many American's are going to buy this crap hook line and sinker. I was pretty optimistic that Obama might win. Obama is such an unbelievably compelling candidate. Smart, ambitious, measured, astute, delibrative, nuanced, compromising, a true leader. I thought americans would hand him the presidency on a silver platter with a "please rescue our democracy from these loonatics Mr Obama"! But it's starting to look like McCain might pull it off. I'm not sure that's a complete disaster. I think John McCain's just playing to the extreme right for the election and will actually govern from the center - which is probably how Obama would govern. Because like it or not, I believe US government works best with a centrist leadership - not everyone is completely happy, but most are somewhat happy. But God forbid, what if John McCain croaks, or has a stroke. Then it's the book burning American Mullah woman on a personal Jihad to deny me my softporn from the library damn it... and she'll also have her hand on the "football"- That prospect is almost as scary as Ahmadinijad with a Shahab 3 on the launchpad.

  2. Yrs, this is turning into a very ugly fight. McCain has demonstrated the fact that he is a truly unstable vanity driven little man who will do anything to claw his way to his ultimate goal.
    He has in Obama an opponent who is truly formidable.
    I sincerely believe that Obama will win this election.
