Thursday, September 18, 2008


Before he is officially enterred with his legacy in the Bush Memorial Pyramid, the semi embalmed mummified president was reanimated to make rare appearance to make a short statement to reassure the American public that he actually was aware of the economic meltdown. His statement:

THE PRESIDENT: Grrr ahhhgghh kkkkhhh aaaghkkk grrr...BRLECCH! gackaghk

I took the liberty of translating his remarks using google's ancient egyptian mummy translation device....It seems to work great with only a few little blips, but I fixed them for you:

THE PRESIDENT: The American people are concerned about the situation in our financial markets and our economy, and I share their concerns. I’ve canceled my travel today to stay in Washington, where I will continue to closely monitor the situation in our financial markets and consult with my economic advisors. I spoke to Secretary Paulson this morning, and I will meet with him later on today.

After these remarks, a group of aides came out with flaming torches and spears muttering obscure incantations to force the president back into his sarcophagus where he will remain until after the election to protect John Mccain from The Curse Of The Mummy!


  1. Anonymous1:00 AM

    From Engineer of Knowledge

    Great one as always. When you are in this mode, you excell.

  2. Thank you Mr. Engineer. My best ideas seem to come to me when I am bike riding.
    I wish I could write more today, but the internet is going in and out. I am having serious line problems and the service goes out when ever it rains!
    Someday, France Telecom will get a repair crew out here to the end of the road in the middle of nowhere.
