Friday, September 05, 2008

They Walk Amongst Us

The sordid unearthly rites of the Republican National Convention have drawn to a close. The bizarre unatural union was consummated to a chorus of shrieks, groans and supernatural wailing emanating from the pit of Cheney. The leagues of zombies shuffled about aimlessly grunting prepared statements. The undead were unleashed to walk amongst us spreading their message of terror and confusion. The unholy couple cackling on stage exhorted the unholy hoardes of damned souls to "Attack! Attack, My Pretties!"

Be afraid, be very afraid. They want nothing more than the ultimate domination of the earth, the subjugation of every living soul to feed the perverted inhuman appetites of the damned! Don't look into their eyes and above all, think twice, or maybe three times, even, before you do lunch with the undead!

(THE FINE PRINT: I know most of my readers expect much more intelligent analysis of reality than what I have offered here. My apologies, but after 4 days of the Republican Nattional Convention, do any of us actually know what reality is anymore?
Believe everything, trust no one!)


  1. Thank dog the convening is over! I need some peace and quiet this weekend in order to recover from the spectacle of greedy white people gathering to make nasty remarks. No substance -- all manipulation.

  2. May I, too, add my gratitude that the 4-day hate-fest is at last at an end.
