Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Tumblin' Down.....

It's been a wild ride since Friday night when John McCain announced Sarah Palin as his vice presidential pick. The speculation as to what led him to this decision and the lack of judgement has grown hourly as the revelations about Sarah Palin break like the ice on the Yukon River in April.
I haven't had a lot of time to write tonight, I have been reading the latest news. I just read that McCain blew his top with CNN after they aired an interview with one of his aids who couldn't name any specific item of interest that might shed some light on Palins foreign policy experience. The entire Republican Campaign has sort of degenerated into the "You Cad! You Wouldn't Hit A Lady!" defense or offense....

I just read about her ability to use her connections to secure 27 million dollars of pure pork barrel tax dollars for her town of 5,000 inhabitants while she was mayor. She paid a lobbyist group to do it.
I read about her blatant lies regarding her involvement in massive Alaskan pork barrel boondoggles including the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere". She was responsible for securing over 200 million dollars of Pork Barrel Money.
I just read about the pastor of her church condemning those who dared to vote for John Kerry in 2004 to hell.
I read about her involvment with the Alaskan Independance Party. An Ultra Right Wing Fringe Party that advocates the independance of Alaska. Her husband, Todd was a member and she has addressed them on numerous occasions.
We already know about the Trooper Gate Scandal. In spite of McCains reps trying to blame the liberal bloggers for the story of her daughters pregnancy, it was his campaign which released the news originally....The Conservative Press is jumping through hoops trying to put a positive spin on all of this and holding their collective breath hoping that there isn't a Meth Lab Explosion or something like that in the basement of the Alaskan Governors would they spin that?
Just as I thought that perhaps it was time to bring in Jerry Springer to help make some sense here... I read that the conservative press is beginning to rumble and hint that maybe, possibly, this was not such a great idea and perhaps, just a suggestion, John was a little hasty in his decision and should think again.
This is how things fall apart...denial, rejection and then finally the acceptance of reality.
This would have been a really great movie...along the lines of National Lampoon's Presidential Campaign From Hell...starring Chevy Chase and Reese Witherspoon!
It would have made a billion bucks at the box office and we all could have had a big laugh, with lines like Bristols boy friend, Levi saying,"Awesome, does this mean I'm going to be first Dude-in-Law?"
It would have been hilarious, if it wasn't our national insanely stupid reality.


  1. They may actually be dumb enough to keep her on the ticket, which would provide great political theatre this fall season.

  2. Village Green, I await patiently for your favorite political song...protest or extolling ideology or other wise...
    Something from the Kinks catalogue?

  3. Favorite political song? Perhaps Little Boxes. The ones made of ticky tacky and they all looked the same.

    From the Kinks -- The Young Conservatives and Low Budget spring to mind.
