Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Black Pages....

In the last post, I presented Director Ron Howards sincere and entertaining endorsement of Barack Obama. When I went to the Laugh or Die website where the piece was posted, I was amazed at the vitriol in the McCain supporters comments on the video. A litany of every lie and distortion and variations fueled by pure racial fear.

This is what the McCain Campaign has degenerated into. We saw it really come to fruition in Pennsyvania with the story of the McCain campaign worker who filed a false police report stating that she had been robbed and then mutilated by a black Barack Obama supporter who tried to carve the initial B into her cheek.

When the story was first reported, it was picked up by the Drudge report which fed it to the McCain canpaign and they released their embellished version of the story.
The conservative blogger, Michelle Malkin had the sense to warn her readers that the story didn't ring true and cautioned abouttrying to make too big a deal out of it before the facts were in.

Of Course, Fox News...oops FOX OPINION, just ran full steam ahead with the editor of Fox News making the statement that if the story were true, it would be the death of Obama's campaign and if it were false, it would be the end of John McCain.

Now we know that the story is false. A hoax perpretrated by a disturbed young woman who had a history of bizarre behavioral incidents. Unfortunately, we have yet to hear from FOX OPINION. They are content to let their phony race baiting reportage go uncorrected and even though it has been reported as a hoax in all of the mainstream media, like every rumor or distortion fed to the public by the McCain/Palin hate machine, it has taken on a life of its own.

The video above is a McCain rally, yesterday in Colorado. The crowd is whipped up, full of the emotional racial fear that this degenerated failed candidate is using to fuel his dismal hopes of collecting votes on November 4th.
I am reallyy beginning to feel that the ultimate goal of McCain, now is a bitter revenge powered attempt to deny the legitimacy of an Obama presidency. He can't steal the election so he will steal the victory by insuring that the America will have the raw open wound of unleashed violent racial fear and hate to deal with on top of all of the other problems our next president, Barack Obama must deal with.

Maybe McCain thinks he is building his "base'. I think he has condemned himself to the blackest pages of our modern political history.


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM


    Should The top management of the Public listed company be responsible for the company performance, eg company nearly get wind up?

    Are you a Partisan?

    Should they give their view......?

  2. A "Nacht der langen Messer" comming to a town near you.
