Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Smash Hit FOX NETWORK Situation Comedy! JOE THE PLUMBER!

I guess it's no wonder John McCain was so happy to use "Joe the Plumber" as a debate prop last night -- he's a partisan Republican who also happens to be a member of McCain's old friends, the Keating family.

From Martin Eisenstadt:

Turns out that Joe Wurzelbacher from the Toledo event is a close relative of Robert Wurzelbacher of Milford, Ohio. Who’s Robert Wurzelbacher? Only Charles Keating’s son-in-law and the former senior vice president of American Continental, the parent company of the infamous Lincoln Savings and Loan. The now retired elder Wurzelbacher is also a major contributor to Republican causes giving well over $10,000 in the last few years.

Now I guess we know why Joe is telling the press that Obama is a "socialist" and that the Obama tax plan "infuriated" him. After all, it would hit families like the Keatings and their minions the hardest.

Not to mention that Obama's economic-recovery plan would put the crimps on influence peddlers like McCain's old friends, the Keating Five.

This comedy series is brought to you by the McCain Campaign, the same fine folkd who brought you the Lady Lynn Forrester de Rothschild Redneck Comedy Hour, The Carly Fiorina Golden Parachute Follies and the Hit Mini-Series, Honey, I Shrunk The Economy starring Phil Gramm.
Uhhh, by the way Joe, actually Samuel Joeseph, maybe this might be a good time to take care of the back taxes you owe the State of Ohio, and before someone actually notices, you just might want to apply for a real plumbers license to work legally as a plumber in the State of Ohio....and, well, I didn't want to mention the messy little divorce thingy with the battered wife....but....


  1. Anonymous1:20 AM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hellllllloooo Microdot,
    Man it is good to hear from you again. This topic has been a hot one at my place. Joe Wurzelbacher is one major scum bag in Ohio.

  2. Scumbag? For asking a real question to Obama for once?

    Joe didn't ask a bad question, Obama just fucked up the answer.
    Had Obama answered differently, Joe the plummer would be a hero to you jokers.

    But as it goes, Obama screws up so you blame Joe's question and smear Joe for asking it.

    It seems that the bigger problem lies in the fact that Obama said something his supporters have been busy sweeping under the rug since day 1.
    If it's a bad idea, aren't we supposed to be questioning it? Or, is anything Obama does just beyond question?

  3. Yeah, yeah... you keep telling me that there is no racism in America.
    there is no racism in America
    there is no racism in America
    there is no racism in America
    there is no racism in America

    time to change this record and listen to some Four Tops!

  4. I never said "no" racism and you know it so stop already.

    I did say that it's not nearly as bad as you and M.R keep trying to portray it. The 4 tops? Yeah, 1959 is right where you and muddy are still stuck with your racism gage.

    I'm much younger than you are and a hell of a lot closer to the real scene here in America.

    Don't forget Microdot, I've been to France more than once and seen how "equal" minorities are there!

  5. I was going to post a Four Tops video, which I will do later...
    Levi Stubbs, the great bass voice of the Tops died yesterday at 72.

    Again, Sepp, you are right, you are younger than I am and I do live in France where there is racism as well.
    I make no apologies for France so stop making apologies for Amnerica.

    Sorry, but you aren't going to convince me the reality I see with my own eyes and ears. The fact that I experienced living in the era of the rise of black rights and the fight for equality has made me aware of how fragile, how tenuous it still is.
    The work of many people, perhaps yourself in erasing the mental conceptions and prejudice is an ongoing generational battle.
    It can be set back very easily by manipulative politicians who use it as divisive tactic as it is being very obviousl;ty done in this election.

    Ask yourself, who is making the claim that if Obama is elected, the blacks will riot in cities across the nation?

    It's not the black community. This is coming from the tools of the Conservatives ad has suddenly become the new meme repeated over and over again by "angry white folks".

  6. Sure MD, if you go looking in jerkwater idaho for racism, you'll probably find it.
    But, I grew up during integration and school bussing. 35 years ago it was a rocky start...but it WAS 35 years ago which is only a few years short of 2 generations things aren't a utopian dream yet but, it's a long ways away from your first hand accounts of yore.

    As for who is asking if blacks are going to riot? The first to publicly suggest it was James Carville the democratic advisor!
    On the other side of the coin, why wouldn't people have cause to wonder? Inner city blacks have rioted over OJ simpson, Rodney King and plenty of sports events in the last few years...even when their team won! Obama winning or, losing could just be another reason.
    THAT isn't racism, that's playing the odds. You're from Detroit, go downtown next time the pistons win the championship, it's downright dangerous for everybody and no matter how liberal one wants to be, it's just a fact that it happens.

    But, back to the issue at hand, painting anyone who dares question, disagree with, or, not voting for Obama as a racist is just a shortcut to thinking and plain disgusting.
    I don't like the guys platform, policies and some of the associates he rubs elboes with but, I'd damned sure have a good time hanging out and arguing politics with him over a few liters of Stella Artois.

  7. ou Export 33?
    Have you ever had a Picon-biere?
    I never tried it before, but during the vendenge, after the day was over, I found myself hanging out with a few guys from the Dunkirk area who spoke a variety of french no one understands called 'Tchi.
    They were drinking glasses of beer that they had first added a shot of Picon (an aperative flavored with bitter orange and quinine), a little grapefuit syrup and the rest a clear beer like Stella Artois, Kronenberg, Heinekin...I was a little leery at first, but they made me one and I was hooked!
    Great stuff!

  8. I've never tried Picon beer but, have heard people speaking of it...and every one of them had "the best way" to make it!

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hello Sepp,
    It is a pleasure to be able to speak with you. Sorry I’m so late in my reply. My reason for calling Joe the Plumber a scum bag is not because he asked a viable question but for the fact that he does not pay his taxes which just throws the burden to those of us who do. There is also the legal case of him beating his wife. I do not have much use for someone who beats his wife or any woman for that fact. This is a person who has some major issues.

  10. when can we all get together and have a Picon-biere?

  11. Microdot, I invited your sorry ass to get together for a few beers...on me no less...when you were just 25 minutes north of me last summer...but nooooooooooo, you had to hang around with your family and probably drank Stroh's or Pabst blue ribbon. I wouldn't have done ya like that!

    Engineer, many people in Ohio don't even get a notice when they owe back taxes or, don't pay enough every year. Instead of telling people, Ohio just lets it keep adding up and then one day out of the blue, you get a letter saying they're keeping your federal return money. The system here is more than just broken.
    And, if a guy is nailed for Domestic violence in Ohio, there is almost zero chance he will get custody of a child and Joe has sole custody of his son.

  12. You're right, I did drink some crap and it was probably light beet at that at my sister's.
    I may be back in Ohio after Christmas...I can't get enough of that funky stuff!

  13. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I'll be here at x-mas time and with good beer too. Don't be a wuss next time! HERE we talk / argue politics. When you're drinking with me we can argue beer and music and shitcan the politics.
    I'm the most hardcore Beatles fan you'll ever run into and have about 10 hours of the good stuff mixed in with a ton of bootleg stuff as well as the biggest Zappa collection this side of Dweezil's inheritance!

  14. Anonymous11:05 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge,
    Hello Sepp,
    The tax system in Ohio maybe broke like you say but I and everyone else knows that you have to fill out a tax return every year about the same time. In Maryland you have to send in a tax return or a file an extension saying that you will be filling your tax return late which adds a financial penalty. Either way you have annual taxes to pay, state and federal.

    As far as the Domestic violence, I knew an ex-police officer who beat his wife and she died in a battered women’s home a few days later. The ex-officer could not be tried for murder because she died of a heart attack, she was in her early 40’s, but the county did prosecute him for the most amount of time for assault and battery. He got out on early parole for good behavior after a couple of years and he has his children today. This same guy had a mentally challenged daughter. After a visit over the weekend at his home, she came back to the special school she stayed at through the week. The care keepers noted cigarette burns on her body. This guy was still a cop at this time and was before his wife died. His answer to the school was that even the dumbest animal knew pain so he was doing his own kind of training of telling her “No” then burning her with his cigarette.

    This is what I think of when I see someone brought up on Domestic violence charges. Joe may not be this bad but there must have been something for his wife to file charges.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you. (Oh by the way, I don’t drink beer or wine. Maybe a flute of champagne on New Year’s.)
