Saturday, October 18, 2008

Planetary Head Lice

Michelle Bachmann is a disgrace. This was one of the most disturbing hate-mongering things I've seen on t.v. Even Matthews seem stunned by her diatribe.

Her opponent, Elwyn Tinklenberg, just got named to the DCCC's Red to Blue. We need to help him defeat her. Bachmann is way under 50% -- only up by 4 points in a poll reported yesterday by Politico:

POLL OF THE DAY: Minnesota GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann leads Democrat Elwyn Tinklenberg by a slim 42-percent-to-38-percent margin, according to a Grove Insight poll conducted for the DCCC.

In other news, the dangerously deranged vice presidential hopeful and full time nitwit, Sarah Palin said that "She enjoyed visiting parts of the country that really loved and supported America."
When pressed to clarify exactly what parts of America Sarah was talking about and to explain what parts of Amnerica didn't support and love America, the Palin/McCain campaign tried to explain that she was clearly talking about small towns.

Ohh, okay....that's what she meant, it's all so clear now.

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