Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sorta' Smells Like....

Sure, if you want to throw phony labels around, Socialism, Terrorism, Communism based on innuendo and fear mongering...because that is a tool of fascism. The fascism of fear that McCarthy used in America in the 1950's for political gain...create fear and exploit it. It works, for a while.
Create fear based on projecting your desires on your opponent. The Republicans attempted to run our goverment using bullying tactics. They had a majority in Congress and wanted total control. With the spector of just the opposite occuring in the Tuesday Election, they are trying to raise the fear of One Party Police State over and over again.

But let's talk about fear and fear mongering. When you have no ideas except for the desire for total control, the best way to achieve the end is to scare the shit out of people by playing on their basest instincts.
The McCain campaign tried hard to establish a link between Bill Ayers and Barack Obama in the publics mind based on the loosest of associations. Yes Obama and Ayers both sat the board of the Woods Institute. When that didn't seem to be working, Sarah Palin began using the plural...instead of a terrorist, they became terrorists.
They needed another terrorist so they picked an associate of Barack Obama , a professor at Columbia University, Rashid Khalidi. He is a Pro Palestinian activist who founded the Center for Palestinian Research and Studies. he was a Chicago Resident and lived near Barack Obama.
Yes, Khalidi is criticized by Israel for his views on Palestinian Rights and the Israeli Occupation of Palestine. That hardly makes him a terrorist.
But in 2003, Barack Obama attended a going away party for Khalidi and there was a video tape made of the party and now, the McCain Campaign is demanding that it be turned over to them for use as proof that Barack Obama has indeed another terrorist connection, thereby justifying Sarah Palins use of the plural. There is a link between Obama, Ayers and Khalidi in so far as The Woods Institute gave Khalidis Organization a grant of $70,000.
The LA Times, which reported the existence of said tape, now says that the tape does not exist. The McCain Campaign is whining that this is just another case of media bias towards Obama. (Editorial note, for the record, anytime the media doesn't kiss his withered buttocks, John McCain whines "Media Bias".)
Now inspite of the tenuous and patently ridiculous connection, Senator McCain is trumping up the labeling of Khalidi as a terrorist and touting his friendship with Obama at rallies to prove to crowds of his "base" that "That One" has terrorist sympathies and connections. Rudy Guiliani is using the grant to Khalidi to "prove" that Obama funded terrorism....
So the base leaves his rallies full of even more lies and full of righteous patriotic rage.
The result? Today in Wilmington, North Carolina, Obama supporters were attacked by crowds leaving a rally by enraged patriots screaming "Terrorists, Communists, Socialists!" The Obama supporters were rescued by the police and claimed they would have been severely beaten.

Reality rears it ugly head....In 1993, John McCain became the chairman of the International Republican Institute, the same year that Khalidi founded the Center for Palestinian research and Studies. During the late 1990's, McCain's IRI donated almost a million dollars to Khalidi for the work he was doing. The tax returns for the IRI donations of $448,873 in 1998 and $389,621 are available at Huffington Post and this was reported today by ABC's Jake Tapper.

Deny reality, lie to seize power, manipulate the masses with fear, have I missed anything?


  1. The Obama campaign and their supporters can't tell the truth, much less the whole truth.

    The International Republican Institute isn't a "McCain organization". Under Reagan, Congress authorized the National Endowment for Democracy , which essentially dispurses funds, more accurately our tax dollars, through four sub groups, one Republican, one Dem, one Labor, and one private enterprise. And yes, as a Republican legislator McCain has been involved with the IRI, and whether McCain made it or not, I might support the decision to "fund" Khalid's group. They were hired to do polling in the West Bank. The fact that the Obama campaign doesn't understand that, when polling in a nest of terrorists, you either deal with terrorist supporters or don't do the polling. Same goes for distributing aid. Lots of bad guys cash our checks. That's the real world, if you want Goldilocks you need Obamaland. In his double super secret plan to take out bin Ladin, who does the Senator think he'll be dealing with, Nancy Pelosi?

    Toasting the spokesman for a terrorist and wishing him well, perhaps validating his opinion that Israel shouldn't exist, is quite another thing.

  2. That's a pretty sleazy roundabout pile of illogical double talk.
    Thanks for trying to spin for me, if you think the Republicans can win this election or disenfranchise an Obama presidency by shear smear tactics, you woun't find me a sucker for your babbling inanity.

    "perhaps, validating his opinion that Israel shouldn't exist"

    Cripes, what hallucinagenic hyperbolic release of nebulous toxicity will you come up with next?

  3. I want to mention to anyone who jumps into the comments here, that ronl graced this humble blog with his comment because he is on a mission to discredit anyone who might want to giive the real information about McCain's connection to Khalidi.
    He is a New York City resident and a militant Young Republican Club member who has the Young Republican Club Blog is spreading the spin and tal;king points being used by the party to discredit and obscure the real truth.
    I am amazed that he would take time from his life of cocktail parties and hobnobbing with the Republican Elites to come here and grace my filthy little blog.

    Don't worry, RONL, I don't despise you for living in NYC. I lived there for 31 years, on the corner of East Fifth Street and Ave. B where the junkies would slit your lily white throat just to score a dime bag of scag.

  4. Anonymous2:13 AM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hello Microdot,
    Ronl types are the exact problem within the Republican Party and the type I am trying to purge and discredit their non-rational thinking from the Republican Party here in the 1st Congressional District of Maryland. These “Ronny come lately’s” that just regurgitate the mindless and inaccurate statements from blowhard radio hosts that have spent most of their own life burning out their minds on drugs but have somehow become the voice for the radical right that has had too much influence within the Republican Party. Now here’s a thought that just came to me, Joseph Goebbels was also a burned out drug addict wasn’t he?

    The Republican Party at this time is experiencing the greatest loss of membership and many are so disgruntled that they are just filling as Independents. Maybe after this next eight years as the moderate Republicans that are leaving the Party in droves will start a new political party like those who left with Teddy Roosevelt’s Bull Moose Party. The other scenario is that those Republican’s with clearer minds will be successful in pushing out the radical right nut jobs and return this party back to what it once was during Nelson Rockefeller’s years. (Social moderates, Financial Conservatives) Better yet, let's just hope the radical right nut jobs start a party of their own. I think Nazi Party would fit them just fine. If we had not let this same group like those who replied to my “Social Experiment” posting on Mudrake’s site, we would not be in the devastating financial mess that has in essence driven this country into a third world status. Ether way, the Republican Party would be better off without these ignorant, mouthy, misguided, losers.

  5. Palin's use of the plural is justified with or without Khalidi, as Mr. and Mrs. Ayres were both terrorists.

    Obama HAS palled around with ex-terrorists, pro-terrorists, and revolutionaries. We don't hear of any other connections he has had. Farrakhan (who favored a separate black Muslim state), Ayres, Obama and Tony R --all live in the same neighborhood and have ties. Farrakhan publically, recently praised Obama as a messiah. (National Review) Obama gave Ayres a glowing book review. Rezco, a criminal who cheated Ill. gov't. , lives next door and helped Obama get a house for less than market value. And Obama reportedly praised Khalidi at a farewell dinner (and ate with him often) and Khalidi is a PLO defender.

    He has favored terrorism in the womb consistently. Woman's choice pre-empts baby's life, even when that baby survives abortion. He listened to the horror stories by the nurses about babies left in closets to die, and still voted against BAIPA to protect the survivors of abortion, stating that the mother's choice to have her baby dead is preeminent. He says he will sign FOCA right away --which will nullify all state restrictions against abortion achieved during pro-life administrations.

    We are electing a radical with radical friends, a wolf in sheep's clothing. He sees himself as a panacea. Perhaps being president will humble him. I hope so, before he ruins the U.S. with crazy court judges, like the ones who said we should release Chinese terrorists who trained in Afghanistan into the U.S. So far the Justice Dep't has appealed and they are not yet released, because it IS against the law. But some judges either don't know the law or don't care. Releasing terrorists into the US is almost as stupid as sending them free back to Afghanistan to sign up again with the Taliban resurgence there. I hope if GITMO closes that we at least send the prisoners to Afghan courts and prisons. Which, you know, will be more inhumane than GITMO ever was.

    Thanks, microdot for inspiring my next blog.

  6. I will leave that post up from the big babe, because she has more eloquently demonstrated the absolute intolerant irrational hate that has been unleashed by the gas bags of conservative talk and the hateful innuendos secretly sent in emails across America than I ever could have.

    Please post away, I can guarantee that I will never read it.
