Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Representative Robin Hayes, who prefaced his comments by saying it was important to “make sure we don’t say something stupid, make sure we don’t say something we don’t mean.” Republicans, he reminded the crowd, were kind people. Plus, he added, the liberal media had shown itself eager to distort such remarks. With the crowd duly chastened and put on best behavior, he accused Obama of “inciting class warfare” and said that “liberals hate real Americans that work and achieve and believe in God.”

After Minnesota Republican Representative Michell Bachmann's appearance over the weekend demanding that the UnAmerican Congressmen and Senators be investigate, in a beyond McCarthyism display of ignorant intolerance (anyone who doesn't think like her is not American?) her opponent recieved almost $750,000 in campaign contribution is 18 hours. Her quote was used by Colin Powell as one of his reasons to make his endorsement of Barack Obama.
Madame Bachmann did the only thing an honorable Republican could do under the circumstances: She denied ever having said the words that were broadcast to millions of people. If you are intersted, I have the video here on thebrainpolice, scroll down and look at the post, Planetary Head Lice.

Now, North Carolina Representative Robin Hayes is attempting to do the same thing after his hateful comments at a McCain Rally yesterday in North Carolina as the Hate Talk Express rolled through the state.
Maybe his opponent will get a boost in his attempt to unseat this bigot. Follow the directions on the screen!

1 comment:

  1. Apparently I've given the GOP way too much credit for their intellectual acumen when, just by opening their mouths, pieces of their hardened brains fall from their jaws.

    Funny, incriminating stuff.
