Saturday, October 18, 2008

West Virginia Reality Television Show....

I am publishing this leaked sequence from the Simpsons which will be broadcast nation wide on Tuesday, November 4, Election Day.
I published it 2 weeks ago when it first became available, in the sequence, Homer tries to vote for Barack Obama, but the electronic voting machine keeps switching his vote to John McCain....When he starts to complain, screaming, "This can't happen in America! Maybe Ohio...", the machine sucks him into a tube and he wakens as the poll worker is putting an I have voted stamp on his forehead.
Well.....again, satire becomes reality, this time and article from the Charleston, West Virginia Gazette.

On the first day of early voting, people who voted for Obama watched in amazed horror as the machines repeatedly switched their votes to John McCain as well as other Republican candidates for State offices.
When the people who noticed what had occurred complained, the workers said "to hit the button a few times" a few hit the button more than a few times and the same thing happened.
The West Virginia Election officials explained this was just a glitch that could occur when the machines are moved out of storage and they need to be recalibrated.

What ever the explanation, it does not even begin to explain why we are trusting our elections to unsecure, hackable technology supplied by companies like Diebold with extremely close ties to the Republican party and the religious right.
This is why I believe the real battle of this election will occur on Election day at the polling stations all across America.
Please, when you vote, make sure your vote is the one you intended! Do not let this election be stolen....The dream of the Republican machine is for a squeaker, because they have it all in place to create the magic number 51.2%.
I have already voted on a paper ballot.


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hello Microdot,
    I am afraid that this is going to happen in every state that the Diebold machines are in place. There needs to be a true criminal investigation on this company. This same issue showed up in Ohio and Maryland in the 2004. Maryland threw out the machines as being un-trustworthy and everything went fine in the 2006 elections.

  2. I published a piece last month on the ongoing investigation into the role of the Black Family and the Diebold Company...
    You better believe we have to be ready to fight to make our votes count because the system has been rigged to tip in McCains favor if the vote is close...the magic number as I wrote above is 51.2%

    Obama will do a lot better than that!
    This election will melt the Diebold machines into the worthless slag they deserve to be!
