Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yo' Mama....

It's been a long day...I went to the big city, Perigueux and bought
socks and underwear and went grocery took all day.
My brain has been affected by all of this Republican Hate Stuff so while I was driving,
I started to play the know, the Yo' Mama So Ugly, Yo Mama So Fat
Put Down game? It's a creative art form and maybe you can help me out here....
Here's a few to get us started:

Yo mama so fat, she thinks the G8 is a Value Meal.

Yo mama so fat, her biography is called "The Audacity of Hardee's.

Yo mama so fat, she thinks sub-prime is a steak cut.

Yo mama so fat, McCain refers to her as "Those Ones."

Your mama so fat, when they asked which menus she reads, she said "You know, all of 'em."

Yo mama's so ugly, Obama said "You can put lipstick on a pig and it would look a lot like yo mama on dollar margarita night."

You moms so fat ACORN registered her to vote *three* times.

Yo moms so fat Russia can see her from *their* house.

Yo mama such a ho, the tab for the federal bailout plan is "700 billion dollars, plus fifty cents to have sex with yo mama."

Yo mama so stupid she tried to arrange the genres on her iPod to put Country First.

Yes, I know you can do better...sure you can....


  1. Clever, clever stuff!

  2. Okay, Mr. Mudrake, but if you wanna comment on this post, you gotta be a player....
    Hey, Yo Mama so fat, her barbecue is a source of global warming!

  3. Yo momma so fat, she needs to begin a healthy weight management program, based on sensible goals and expectations. If she sets realistic goals for herself, chances are she will be more likely to meet them and have a better chance of keeping the weight off.

    'N stuff.

  4. Mr. Mike, Yo Mama so fat every time she stops eatin,, the Down Jones drops 300 points!

  5. Earl Scheib's....? Hahaha...
    Is that like getting the Goodyear company to make her panties?
    Lissen, Mr. P,
    Yo mama so fat they used her as a storm surge barrier for hurricane Ike!

  6. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Microdot, looky here,

    Yo mama so fat, last time I saw her she had a mission accomplished banner draped over her behind.


  7. Garrrr.....
    Yo moms such a ho, the recession gonna end if she puts her panties back on!

  8. Anonymous1:59 AM

    This is a fun game and you there, Microdot, Yo mamas tail is so wide that 47% of India's cotton export was used for yo mamas g string.


  9. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Microdot, come over here, I want to tell you sumfin.

    Yo Mama so hairy, she was the nude studio model for Aunt Esthers gorilla cookies.

  10. Gorilla Cookies? I thinks theys illegal in France!

    Lissen here Mr. P!
    Yo Mama so dumb she tried to book a room at the Hanoi Hilton!
    And, she so fat, the price of oil is based on yo mama's trips to the 7/11 for Twinkies!

  11. Anonymous5:34 PM

    This is cracking me up, but looky here Microdot,

    Yo mamas behind so big, they had to flood meteor crater for her bubble bath.

    Not only that, but yo mama is so stanky, that buzzards circle her with clothes pins on their beaks.


  12. But you moma is way stankier...
    Yo mama was just declared a suburb of Detroit.

  13. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Now wait a second here Microdot, Yo mamas tail so big the size label on her boxer shorts says Paul Bunyon.


  14. Uh, huh...when yo mama washes her boxer shorts, the Cuyahoga River catches on fire and when she hangs them boxer shorts up to dry in a stiff wind, it causes continental drift....

  15. Anonymous12:08 AM

    And Microdot, come here I want to tell you something else, Yo mama so ugly that the administrators of her gynecological clinic designated the north wing as a physician suicide prevention center.


  16. Well, Mr. P., I hate to have to tell you, but You Mama is so stupid, the only she be smarter than is the total of all the IQ's of all the people at a Sarah Palin Rally!

  17. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Well then fine, that is pretty stupid, but looky here Microdot, yo mama so fat she don't fly the friendly skies, she fly UPS, freight.


  18. Anonymous6:45 PM

    And you know Microdot, I want to tell you something else, yo mama so fat, she needs custom designed clothes from a parachute manufacturer, something fashionable yet sensible, to really accent her blow hole.


  19. Ahem...Mr. Politeness, Yo Mama's ho so big that the only reason John McCain didn't ask her to be his vice presidential nominee was because when they give her the $150,000.00 for wardrobe, she went to Dolce and Gabanna and got 1 carton of custom XXX extra wide Kotex Tampons with "Yo Mama" spelt out on thems in rhinestones as big as yo fat ass head!

  20. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Hehehe, now let me tell you something Microdot, Yo mama so flabby, the only rooster struttin her crib is the Sta Puft marshmallow man.

    And and there is something else I wanted to tell you, Microdot, yo mamas behind so big, she is no longer addressed as MRS, but USS.


  21. Mr. P. I wouldn't be talkin about my mommas ass, when yo mama's behind is do hugemongous that she cain't fit on the sidewalk and got to waddle down the middle of the road. The State of Pennsylvania made her get commercial license plates and she gotta pay some fool to walk in front of her with a flashing light and a sign warning "Extra Large Slow Moving Vehicle"...but I gotta hand it to yo maoma, when it comes to peddlin that fat ass, she pretty smart...
    When you pass her on the right buttock, they's a billboard that says "Vote for McCain" and when you be passin her on the left, there'a a billboard which says "Vote For Obama!"

  22. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Well then let me tell you something Microdot, my mama looks like an anorexic on a stick compared to yo mama. Yo mama so fat she use a drag line for her spoon.

    And yo mamas tail so wide, her left butt cheek is in eastern standard time and her right ham is in Pacific ugly time.

    And yo mamas so disgusting that her neighbors filed a class action suit for disturbing the peace caused by yo mamas toilet seats incessant sobbing.


  23. I jes hear that Google slapped a cease and desist order on yo momma. It seems every time she try to bend over, they gotta update Google Earth.

    Now NASA say she a security risk cause every time they send up a space shuttle, she messes with their tracking stuff jus by standin on the porch with those funky curlers in her hair.

  24. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Hey there Microdot, looky here, yo mama so fat her driver license picture was taken with satellite imaging.

    and and and, you mama so heavy, the elevator needs to make 3 trips to get her fat ol behind up one level.

    And you mamas fat ol behind is so big her mailing address has a 6 digit zip code.

