Saturday, November 01, 2008

Papa John Ain't Gonna Like This!

This just in, Sarah Palin gets pranked big time by Montreal Radio Comedy Duo, the Masked Avengers, who pretend to be President Nicolas Sarkozy....
The Sarkozy impersonator is so over the edge ridiculous...He wants to kill animals from a helicopter with Sarah...his wife Carla wrote a song about Joe the Plumber....
Sarah even admits to her presidential ambitions in 2016....
,,,uhhh, Marcel the Baker who rolls the bread in his armpits?
Fascinating...She's just as bizarre as you could have imagined, perhaps a bit more....

In other Palin news today, she suggests we are at war with Iran on FOX NEWS and contradicted the line of the McCain Campaign and stated that McCain will be able to balance the budget in 2009.


  1. Wow, I,m ready to try my Peppe Le' Pew on her, maybe I can swoon her off her feet!

  2. Anonymous5:39 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge

    Hello Steve,
    Thank you for your comment. I think that you have made my day. I LOL. Good one!

  3. You know, I heard about this last night on the French News and it's all over international news...

    The Palin Staff tried to spin it and said she was suspicious from the start and when she realized she got pranked just said "SAY LAVVY!"

    Careful Steve, you don't wanna be playing with a sexually aroused Barracuda.....
