Tuesday, December 16, 2008

brown shoes don't make it....

Remember kids, as a token of your extreme appreciation, the address to send your old shoes is
George W. Bush
Presidential Library
c/o SMU
6425 Boaz Lane
Dallas, Texas 74204
Perhaps if we send enough, they will be able to fill up the shelfs next to
My Pet Goat


  1. I understand that one section of the presidential library will be dedicated to all of the books GW has read. The broom, bucket and soap also will also be in the closet.

  2. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I understand that there is a separate children's library with multiple copies of "My Pet Goat,"
    a Bush personal favorite.

    There is also an entire section devoted to the scholarly sub-discipline of Islamophobia.

    Maybe, in light of recent events,
    there should be a Nike center for the lame-ducking president.

  3. I just read a few different reports about the reporter, Muntadar al-Zeidi and the abuse he has suffered under custody.
    He has a broken arm, cracked ribs, facial injuries and internal bleeding.
    This guy has got to be saved before someting worse happens to him in Iraqi custody.

  4. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Maybe the US can invade Iraq to save him---whoops, we already did that and we know how that worked out. The poor guy has been Bushwhacked!
