Sunday, December 14, 2008

Farewell Kiss

Bush makes a surprise visit to Iraq to hightlight the recent security agreement between the US and Iraq. Bush ahs made 4 clandestine trips to the country he destroyed with lies under intense secrecy and security. This time it was Bush who was surprised during a press conference with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki when an Iraqi journalist, Muntadar al-Zeidi who reports for Al-Baghdadia, an Iraqi owned television station, threw two shoes at Bush.

The tosser screamed in Arabic, "This is a farewell kiss, dog!". He was wrestled to the ground and Dana Perino got hit in the eye with a mike boom.
As al-Zeidi was being hustled away, he managed to yell, This is the end!"
Both shoes missed Bush, but shoe throwing in Arabic culture is a grave sign of disrespect as it probably is in any culture!

al-Zeidi obviously knew that he would pay a price for his act, but a theatrical gesture on a world stage like this spoke for all Iraqis who have seen their country destroyed and lost their loved ones. He spoke for all of us who have seen our nations values trashed, our constitution tossed aside like a soiled napkin, and unwillingly involved in the depravity of torture. al-Zeidi was brave enough to do what many would have loved to do. Maybe if enough people speak out, he won't end up on a meat cart in Guantanamo. He in his own way became a hero.


  1. Ah YES! "Parting is such sweet sorrow..."

    How appropriate for the vulgar, arrogant man!

  2. In viewing the video, I am struck by al-Maliki and how he stands by unfazed as if, this is just another day at the office.

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Monsieur Micro,
    Please could you create a lighter background, it is so difficult to read your sagacious words and
    profound thoughts. The black background is also so morose...a contrast to your bright notions.
