Saturday, December 27, 2008


Then nothing will, you are hopeless...
Everytime i see this video, I just want to pop another bottle of cheap New York State Champagne type beverage and finish off a vial of brightly holiday colored tranquilizers!
I'm thoroughly enjoying myself, dammit!


  1. GAUD! That was awful!! I noticed not only the false notes but the great smiles upon their faces as they sang their Jesus song. No doubt they were filled with the joy of Jesus.

    Does pathetic cover it?

  2. Anonymous8:15 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hello Microdot,
    The old troll crone Henrietta with the “I don’t really want to be here” Merna are sad beyond description. I also feel that Henrietta is the perfect example of someone who voted twice for Bush because he was a good Christian man and thinks that it is ashamed that that good Sara Palin did not get elected.
    Is it just me or did Merna look like she was praying that she could have a severe case of bulimia so she could get thin enough to hide behind the mike stand?

    God Bless Us Everyone, Amen

  3. I'm not sure but I think there was just the right hint of sullen passive aggressive highly explosive emotional angst in Merna's award winning performance. I give them three snaps...

    I wonder about how happiness is defined by the christians who tell me that I am not a happy person.
    They keep telling me I'm not happy, and how deleriously happy they are...but I think they confuse happiness with the feeling they get after their saturday night enema.....

    Just a random thought...

  4. I think they both had gas and were trying not to let it out while singing.

  5. Haha, that was a perfect way to end the Christmas break. MYyinternet service is dodgy at them moment, and it kept freezing, which gave the whole thing even more appeal.

    As excited as they looked to be praising the J-man, they don't inspire me to climb the mountain alongside them.

    I found your blog following links after a comment left by someone in mine a few days back. I'll probably pop into this one and the other place from time to time as I like what I see.

  6. Somebody is listening with her Monsieur Andre of New York State Champagne goggles on.

  7. Michelle, I looked at your profile and you are an Australian Francophile?
    I will check out your blog.
    My wife is of an Australian background...both parents and her sibs were born there, mais elle et une citoyene Francaise.

  8. Anonymous12:31 PM


    Thanks for the howl, I was waiting for the hook. Have you seen this version?

