Monday, December 22, 2008

The Last Miracle of Zappadan

This evening, I experienced the last and final miracle of the festival of Zappadan.
After almost 2 days without phones and internet, it was miraculously restored....
Well, the miracle involved me climbing up on a ladder on the side of the barn and jamming France Telecoms 4 year old temporary line splices back together by hand....
It was an inspration that occured to me about 5 pm, as the sun was going down. I said to my self, the chances are fifty/fifty......
So in thanks, I am posting the recording of Fifty/Fifty from the Overnight Sensation Record with the manic warbling of Ricky Lancelotti. I love the violin solo by Jean-Luc Ponty, but my favorite part is when Franks guitar comes blasting in after Ponty's solo.
As I said, the chances were 50/50 and it worked..........


  1. Thanks for a great year, MD.

  2. I think many of our American friends would have difficulty imagining the trouble you described with the internet connection and the solution you had to employ. Here in Italy, I can assure you, I get it. Right now in fact I should be in the last days of using Telecom, which has been a continual nightmare. On the 30th I'm supposed to be activated on Fastweb, about which I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
