Thursday, December 18, 2008

Trash Nation

This trash syndrome seems to be taking over.
Yesterday, I read that the Versace Palace Hotel in Dubai was going to
climatize there beach front. That means running a refrigeration system
under the sand so Russian mobsters and American Wall Street Criminal escapees
don't scorch their feet. This would be one of the most wasteful anti ecological
conveniences for some of the most useless humans on the planet ever built.
Can you imagine vacationing in Dubai, or buying a property on one of their coral reef destroying fake islands? Having to actually associate with the other low lifes
desparately trying to prove their self worth by participating in this
planetary destructive festival of bling-bling?
First thing you know,
Ol Jed's a billionaire
The kinfolks said,
Jed, move away from there,
Dubai is where you oughta be
So they loaded up the truck
yada, yada, yada, yada........

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