Thursday, January 29, 2009

Alan A Dale

thebrainpolice is technically still on strike, but to keep you entertained while we experience this break in our normal programming, here is an excerpt from the classic 1960s BBC TV comedy series 'Not Only But Also'. At about 1:19 in, after the caveman sketch, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore sing a 'ballad' about Robin Hood's fabled sidekick Alan A Dale. This episode was shot in 1965.

This regarding the strike: I watched on CNN as the reportage gave the numbers of people in the streets. They implied that it was less than 100,000 and that the strike was not successful. The Sarko government spents 60 million Euros a year on Public Relations to give the impression in the foreign press that he is doiing something and all is well here. It seems to be money well spent as far as CNN goes, because the real numbers as of an hour ago, was 2.5 million people in the streets of the cities of France protesting the economic and social policies of this government. I hope to have some good pictures and video tomorrow.


  1. Wow, it has been years since I watched any of these. I must resist the urge to waste time this morning.

    It never ceases to amaze me the way in which masses are prepared to accept the likes of CNN and other tabloid 'reportage' without question. It shouldn't surprise me though, there are a lot of sheep out there.

  2. Thanks for the video. I'll look forward to the update on what's happening in France.

  3. Michelle- it ought not be too much of a surprise about CNN and the gullibility of the American citizen; after all, they voted Bush/Cheney twice!
