Monday, January 05, 2009


In the earlier post, 5 Lies About The Israeli Invasion Of Palestine, I posted a video purported to be of a Gaza urban sttreet market moments after it was hit by an Israeli rocket. It was posted on RAW STORY and was originally put up by an Egyptian blogger who claimed it was shot that morning with a cell phone. It was a pretty horrendous scene that went on for about 5 minutes. When the video was first posted on YouTube it was removed immediately and each time it was reposted during the day, it was removed within minutes.
It was very easy to assume that it was being censored by the Israelis in their attempt toi control the information getting out of Gaza. It was reposted on LIVE LEAK and in respose to the Egyptian bloggers plea to get it out to the rest of the world, I posted it.
Earlier today, I saw that the video had surfaced in European Network News and was being reported as fact.
In actuality, the video was a fake. It was shot in 2006 in Lebanon and was the carnage in a refuge camp after a Hezbollah munitions truck exploded.
I was mistaken. The media was duped as well. It was all too believable, the unreported carnage and the censorship. I took the video down as ssoon as I learned the facts.

1 comment:

  1. Rove, Cheney and Bush would never think of apologizing.

    You are way ahead of them in character!
