Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Limbaugh Memorial Barbeque

On Thursday, I humbly submitted my unabashed endorsement of RUSH LIMBAUGH to the elevation as Pope of the Republican Party and that he has deemed to choose Mike Steele as his assistant. I believe he is the man who can lead the Republicans through their dark journey through the night of their exile from the glory they know they are entitled to.
Today, I'd like to host a Rush Limbaugh Memorial Barbeque and suggest a recipe that he might enjoy. If I were him though, I'd try to control my Viagra intake for a few hours before this savory celebration of pork was on the table. Remember, Mr. Limbaugh, eat only one at a time, I think the calorie estimate is about 30,000 per serving.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, the Rush Limbaugh Memorial Bacon Explosion.
This was your White Trash Moment of the Week.

1 comment:

  1. That's right folks, remember, It's Oxycontin, when you want to bring out the flavor, bring out the zest, just bring out the Oxycontin and, know, Rush made a lot more sense when he was on drugs....
