Thursday, January 08, 2009

Talking Points and Links on Gaza

Attempting to simply express my horror with the cynically atrocious calculated Israeli actions in Gaza is futile. We seem to accept that they are going to continue inspite of world opinion until the inaugaration of Barack Obama and then try to cover up the attrocities while our attention is diverted and no one cares.
I have attempted to collect a list of links which give demographics and evidence and theoretical arguments to give you ammunition to use when trying to express yourself about this.
Here are some links that deal with basic demographics and numbers of casualties:

Why Bombing Ashkelon is the Most tragic Irony (U.K. Independant)

Here is a link dealing with the election of Hamas and the reaction in the Arab World and the USA (also from the Independant)

Here are links on the Israeli violations of the ceasefire from Haaretz and The Guardian.

Here are some very good theoretical arguments:

The Boston Review

Remember, History Matters!

1 comment:

  1. There is no rationalization for the killing campaign of the Israelis except to satisfy its hate for Muslims.
