Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Teknicle Difeecullteez

I haven't been able to post for two days because the phone lines totally went down in the last rain storm. I've been having problems for months and France Telecom keeps sending out technicians who tell me "All fixed" then as soon as it rains again, the lines go out.
This time, it rained for an hour heavily on Saturday and that was all she wrote, so just about 6 hours ago, the techs finished their repair work....they redid the connections at three different poles...it's raining now, but I'm still on line!
Maybe it's fixed?
Meanwhile, we have been watching Obama's Inaugaration on CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera.
The crowds in Washington are beyond belief. Obama's speech was incredible. I was struck by the silence of the crowd while he spoke, then the thunder at the end.
I was very happy to see Aretha, but finally, her voice is beginning to lose some range. She was still magnificent and that hat!
I was stunned to heart that Michelle Obama's dress was designed by Isabel Toledo!
Isabel and her husband have been fixtures in the East Village art/fashion world for 25 years. They are great artists and my wife has worn stuff by her.
Well, I have to take care of some other things tonight...
But it's good to be back on line and I'm feeling very good about being an American!


  1. Doesn't if feel so incredibly good to be free of the greedy stupid idiots who stole our country and ran it into the ground the past 8 years? I had to really refrain from screaming out loud in joy when the Bush helicopter took off. I would not have been setting a good example for my students!

  2. Man, France Telecom sounds exactly like Telecom Italia. I'm glad to be rid of those bums, almost as glad to have Bush and Co. gone from the White House.

  3. I was struck by the silence of the crowd while he spoke, then the thunder at the end.

    The Mall fell absolutely still, eerily silent, as he was sworn in. It was breath-taking to witness.
