Monday, February 02, 2009

Badabing bada boom....

Highlights from Saturday nights Alfalfa Dinner in Washington.....Lieberman does his famous comedy routine....

--Sen. Joe Lieberman, outgoing president, of the Alfalfa Club concluded his introduction by saying: 'I have the high honor to ... issue an order that neither my mother, nor my father, nor my rabbi ever dreamed I would be able to issue: BRING ON THE LOBSTER.' (That would be the lobster Navarin in puff pastry with royal trumpet mushrooms and star anis.) (Snare Drum Rim Shot and groans from audience)

--More from Senator Lieberman: 'We had hoped Vice President Cheney would be here tonight. I hope it's not his back injury that's keeping him away. Apparently, he hurt it moving some things out of his office. Personally, I had no idea that waterboards were so heavy. ... (Snare drum rim shot, screams and groans from audience) I was so close [to being McCain's vice president]: As close as Alaska is to Russia. ... I hear that President Obama will soon be visiting the Washington offices of the New York Times as part of his search for a new house of Worship ... On the other hand, I appreciated your humility when you chose not to arrive at your Inaugural ceremony by walking across the reflecting pool..'
(Drum roll...snare drum rim shot and cymbal)

General applause and good natured laughter from the audience as Lieberman was dragged off to be waterboarded by a few of his Connecticut constituents who are trying still to figure out what party their Senator represents.

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