Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Blog Amnesty Day

Let's face it, there are as we all know, about 35 gazillion blogs out there in the blogosphere, circling the earth just waiting for some kind of attention. We area ll creatures of habit, in our daily routine, enjoying our coffee, coddled eggs and toast while sampling the from the blogateria of information clamoring for just a few seconds of notice from our cluttered consciousness'.
So in an attempt to slather attention on some of the other blogs in wafting in their orbits beyond your normal habitual information grazing grounds....
Skippy The Bush Kangaroo has for the second year declared that Blog Amnesty Day (that's B.A.D. Day to you) is here again...actully, it ends as an event today, but hopefully the effects will keep on giving.
The rules are simple, pick 5 blogs you think are deserving of attention for various reasons, they should be blogs that you think have lower traffic than yours, but hey, I am not a blog elitist....and post the links. My Five Are:

The Man With The Muck Rake
Mr. Mudrake is a steadfast eloquent voice giving light to the corner of Northwest Ohio known as the Great Black Swamp

Another Expat, who lives somewhere in Italy and writes about the ethics of gun laws, crime and politics with a good dash of music thrown in as seasoning.

Trouble Every Day
A sort of brain cleaning experience from the middle of America. Surrealism that always seems to be about something. I like it and it's named after my favorite Zappa song.

The Village Green
A blog from the Akron, Ohio area by a teacher struggling to highlight ecological and education issues and politics all held together with an undying love of the Kinks.

I rarely ever agree with him, but when I do, I really do. Beyond that, what's not to like about an exbiker, single dad trying to make sense of the local Toledo political mess and still keep his Libertarian ethics intact?

(I seem to have gotten a few links from some other blogs and when I figure out who did what, I will thank them...meanwhile, the blog counter is creeping to the magic 22222 number...it's only a matter of hours!)


  1. Thanks so much, Micro.

  2. Ex-biker? LOL! MD, I still ride like a madman, still a patch holder and all summer long make the daily ride to work up near Detroit on that stretch of motocross they call I-75!

  3. I wasn't sure...I saw your avatar image once on a bike....
    It looked like a big boy!

  4. Anonymous5:03 AM

    It's a 1948 panhead!
