Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We Have Met The Enemy And They Is Us....

After 9 years of an abusive relationship, Amber Cummings of Belfast, Maine shot her husband, James G. Cummings in the culmination of an escalating incident of domestic violence in a home filled with guns, a variety of weapons and a collection of Nazi Memorabilia. When homicide police came after Amber reported what she had done, they searched the house. The neighbors say that the house was searched for a week and during the search, on December 9,2009, The FBI became involved as they made the horrifying discovery that James G. Cummings had been constructing a dirty nuclear device and apparently intended to use it.

The material found by the FBI, in the pleasant house on a quiet street in Belfast, along with literature with directions for the construction were as follows:
four 1 gallon containers of 35% hydrogen peroxide,
uranium, thorium, lithium metal, thermite, aluminum powder, beryllium, boron, black iron oxide and magnesium ribbon.

The uranium was bought from online from a United States Company, but it was not identified in the report. The peroxide and the other ingredients are the explosive materials and the ingredients needed to amplifyy the effects of the bomb.

According to his wife, Cummings had become very upset with the election of Barack Obama and decided to do something about it.
He was independantly wealthy, the benefactor of a family trust fund and was linked to white supremicist groups. He claimed to have pieces from Adolph Hitlers personal dinner ware in his huge collection of Nazi memorabilia.
According to sources, he had recently officially become a member of The National Socialist Movement.

As of last night, none of this has been officially commented on and the Department of Homeland Security refused to take calls from Maine news media. This information was supplied by the Bangor Daily News and Wikileaks.
As the brilliant creator of the long gone comic strip Pogo, Walt Kelley said, "We Have Met The Enemy and They Is Us!"


  1. I find it very alarming that the very mention of a "fairness doctrine" ellicits a knee jerk barrage of bluster from the right now.
    In effect, they disingeniously try to argue that having to present dissenting opinion is against free speech.
    I, like you, find that the sensationalism of talk radio in its quest for ratings, has sparked an escalation of outrageous rhetoric that cannot be discounted as a direct cause of violent actions.

    Eliminationalism...the new word to describe the level of thought that these guys throw out.

    Al Gore's environmentalism is going to breed a generation of Eco-Hitler Youth.
    Obama's Stimulus plan is like socialism which is like the German Naitonal/Socialism which is what became the Nazi Party....

    these simplistic non thought memes are drummed into the heads of people who are too lazy to actually think and need simple equations whioch give them a target to aim their hate.
    They are mad, they need to hate something and talk radio tells them what to hate...

    Simple, eh?

  2. Yes, it's absolutely frightening. What a country of contrasts, huh?

  3. If he'd only had a tax cut, he might not have gone crazy or coco puffs.

  4. Right now I'm thinkin of a big juicy tax cut, doused in texas tax cut sauce, medium rare with side of texas cust tax cut fries, cole slaw and an ice cold beer...mmmmm....sounds great, right about now, eh?
