Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Perhaps this is a testimony to the reality of blog power. Italy, the traditional testing ground of fascism for the timid, is proposing legislation to license bloggers.
Any blogger who generates income from a blog, such as with Google's Adsense or Amazon's Partner program will have to be licensed!
The new legislation not only licenses bloggers, but it will enable Italy to become like China and block ISP's, not only blogs, but social media like YouTube or Facebook...the entire site! the requesst of the Minsiter of The Interior for crimes of opinion, for example: a film clip or a group that invites people not to observve a law that is considered to be unjust, without any verdict from a magistrate.
Today, this only happens in China, a dictatorship.
Now a right wing senator, Carlucci is proposing a law to make it illegal to publish anything on line anonymously.

Tens of thousands have already wrote to the Parliamentarians and often they thought twice before going on. Today though we want to tell all of them that that is enough, to keep their hands off the Internet, to keep bloggers free. Help the Italian bloggers! Let them see that we all want to remain free bloggers.

Send in your photos with the words: "FREE BLOGGER"

Send an email to with:
- subject: your name
- text: the address of your blog
- attached: a photo of you with a sign saying "FREE BLOGGER"

You'll see it among the two thousand already arrived.

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