Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Pottery Barn Rule

Yesterday in the French news, I heard the numbers that the European Union is allocating to the reconstruction of The Gaza Strip after the Israeli assault on the civilian population to punish them for the acts of Hamas.
This is money that we in Europe pay to the EU as taxes.
Obviously, the aid and reconstruction of Gaza is a real immediate priority which I unconditionally support and I have no problem with my tax Euros going to this end.
On the other hand, I read yesterday in the NY Times, that Hillary Clinton has ellicited shock and outrage from Pro Israel groups in the United States by telling Israel in a letter that they have not honored their pledges of aid to the reconstruction of Gaza.
Of course, where does Israel get a lot of the money that makes up its annual budget?
Massive American monetary aid, millions of dollars everyday.
The relationship between Israel and The United States is a complicated shifting affair. Who is the client? Who uses who?
Much of the damage done to the Gaza Strip and the attrocities against the civilian population by the now documeted use of white phosphorus and cluster bombs was accomplished with weaponry provided by the United States.
I am reminded of Colin Powell's Pottery Barn Rule at the onset of the invasion of Iraq:
"You Break It, You Pay For It!"
Again, The United States has pledged massive amounts of aid to rebuild Gaza, but this is taxpayers money.
A massive amount of money has been earned by the American Arms Industry, one of the most powerful lobbies on the planet. The White Phosphorus, the cluster bombs and all of the new generation ordnance being tested on the Gazan People came from American companies who reaped massive profits and are allowed to keep them without any scrutiny.
Is it fair that your tax dollars are being used to rebuild Gaza while the companies that supplied the weaponry reap huge profits , enjoy subsidies and tax breaks?
Isn't there an honest opportunity to apply Colin Powell's Pottery Barn Rule here?

1 comment:

  1. The fact that Israel is the bull in the pottery barn is, of course, nothing more than their MO. Bullies with bullets. Adolescents who trash the place then move on with disregard for the mess they made.

    Apparently, they are good models of the American MO.
