Friday, March 27, 2009

Reagonomics In Reverse

I've been hearing this bright idea from the GOP for a few weeks now. Let's drug test welfare and unemployment recipients to make sure that when there finally are jobs available, they are able to fill them competently...If they fail the tests, cut them off!
More compassionate conservatism from the party who loves the lower classes...
But, hey, this is America and what's good for one is good for all, isn't it?
I mean, if you are going to drug test welfare recipients and laid off workers as a qualification to recieve government assistance and most of these folks are recieving a mere pittance, then why can't we demand that the ones who are recieving the big bucks, the bail out bucks, the real mazooma if you know what I mean, why can't these guys be held to the same standards?
If you mismanage a giant corporation and have to be bailed out to the tune of oh, say 168 billion dollars, then why must we asssume that you are competent to continue to recieve these funds? You must have been "on something" to have fucked things up so badly. What do you have to say for yourself?

Can't we at the very least demand CEO drug testing?

At the very least, these geniuses must have the staff and brains to figure out how to get around a simple drug test. If we start demanding urine analysis from CEO's as a prerequisite to recieve billions of dollars, the black market in drug free urine is going to go bonkers! This will probably create an entire underground industry.
The price of drug free urine will sky rocket and create an unprecedented demand. An entrepreneur with a healthy bladder will be able to make a fortune as the execs scramble to get a healthy sample.
Hmmm...Reagonomics was all about trickle down...but.....


  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    i think it's an excellent idea. people who are so wholly dependent on government handouts for their subsistence, whose entire incomes are derived entirely from tax monies, should clearly be expected to remain sober at all times in return for their free cash. we don't want the public dime to be spent on booze and drugs, after all. and asking such idle layabouts to surrender a little of their privacy to ensure this is obviously reasonable. this program should be instituted against all who would live off the government teat immediately, i think.

    starting, of course, with the legislators.

  2. CEO drug testing, yeah, that's the ticket.

    Hey, maybe we should drug test all the gun owners while we're at it. - Only kidding.

  3. Nomen, sometimes I fail to appreciate the subtlety fo your humor...
    You weren't agreeing that unemployed citizens recieving unemployment benefits are deliberately lazy, are you?
    Sometimes when I write something silly, I cross a line and I assume we are all crossing the liine together.

    Mike, drug test gun owners?
    How many of your gun buds would agree with testing the unemployed?
    If they can cross that line, perhaps they should be amenable to pissing on another one.

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I have to pee some periodic evidence in order to keep my job!

  5. Anonymous11:38 PM

    no, i wasn't serious. although, if we are going to insult, demean and patronize the poor in this manner, then i would like to see the lawmakers put through the same wringer. sauce for the goose, after all --- and those might make some fascinating documents in the public record...
