Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Russoamoeba limbaughiarus

Thebrainpolice has obtained an exclusive report of an explosive medical break through.
Here is the first exclusive picture of the newly discovered parasitic intestinal amoeba known as Russoamoeba limbaughiarus as it engulfs and prepares to assimilate the intelstinal flora known as the common Michaelus Steeloflora. Scientist have identified the newly discovered Russoamoeba as a parasitic predatory specie which has now totally infested the lower intestine of the Republican party and is causing great discomfort.
What makes this particular amoeba so fascinating is the fact that it does not seem to want to divide and reproduce and it only seems to be growing and assimilating more and more bacteria and the other natural republican intestinal flora.

In other words, we have a dangerous stoppage of intestinal fuctions which can only be relieved by drastic measures. The scientists who are examining the republican party have located the blockage which they have indicated in the diagram on the right.
The Limbaughiarius imflamation seems to have reached a critical point, but so far the patient is in extreme denial and seems to accept that the painful bloat and inflammation is "normal".

The prognostication is not good. We have a patient who is denial and rejects all attempts at intervention to relieve this dire situation. If treatment is not initiated in the near future, we, at thebrainpolice, warn all of those who might take this threat seriously, to run, run far, run fast and DON'T LOOK BACK!


  1. Don't look back! Priceless.

    Wouldn't you be embarrassed if the 'head' of your political party was nothing more than an ego-centric gas bag?

    When will the REAL members of the GOP have enough courage to take back their party from the junta that arranged the coup some years back?

  2. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Thank you for your clever metaphorical satire...you must be glad to be in Aquitane rather than among the rubes of your youth. I must admit that we in the UK also have a Limbaugh-like character by the name of Jon Gaunt, but he has never reached the nadir of America's no-account night crawler.

    One almost pines for the days when the Republican Party represented some level of intelectual integrity rather than the witless banter of these swaggering media tyrants.

  3. I loved the post and the comments.
