Sunday, April 05, 2009


Eliminationalism, the word of the day. Get used to it. It's what gasbags like Ann Coulter advocate when they makes statements about the execution of Supreme Court Justices or John Bolton musing that the UN could lose a 10 stories. When Michelle Bachman demands an "orderly revolution" and pushes dishonest concepts and hysterical talking points about world currencies to further her own failing carreer.

We've seen a rash of violence in America inspired by the hyperbolic over the top sensationalist rhetoric of conservative talking heads. Self described "rodeo clown" Glenn Beck and his escalation of his pitch regarding the FEMA Concentration Camps that he speculates are being readied to contain conservatives who disagree with the "socialist" agenda of Barack Obama.

Beck may refer to himself as a clown and as in last weeks New York Times feature on him, express wonder that there are people who believe him. Many of these statements, when reconsidered and questioned are disowned and denied. Michelle Bachman is an inept repeat practitioner of this device....or, it was just a joke, you liberals don't have a sense of humor. Besides, they get paid millions of dollars and have a responsibility to their advertisers......

You get the feeling that the ratings fueled pressure that forces these gas bags to try to outdo each other with sensationalistic hate filled anti administration rhetoric is fueling an ever speeding out of control train of paranoia among those need simple, immature scapegoating ideas to cope with the failure of their own lives. When someone snaps and lashes out in a futile gesture of senseless violence, you can bet all of the obvious perpetrators of hate speech will deny any responsibility.

That's what happened in Pittsburgh, yesterday when 23 year old Richard Poplawski, now identified as a white supremacist radical did yesterday when he killed three cops.
Well, he said Obama was going to take his guns away, and that's why he needed to kill 3 police officers today. What radio show do you think he listens to? What TV network do you think he watches? And what party do you think he votes for?

Remember what Palin and McCain were doing to their crowds during the campaign, the way they were pushing people towards viewing Obama as a terrorist hell-bent on destroying our country? The way Republicans today says that we need a "revolution" to stop the "socialism" and the "fascism" that is Obama?

And we're supposed to wonder why crazy people act out violently after being told that Obama is a terrorist, out to destroy our country, and that the only solution is to rise up in a revolution against the enemy.

Eliminationalism. A speeding train fueled by paranoiac fear on it's way over a cliff. Get on board or get crushed under the wheels....It's all the same.


  1. That's right Micro. They are some crazy people. Well, at least the ones who believe their own nonsense are crazy. The rest are so unscrupulous that it's hard to imagine. I don't know what I find harder to buy, that people can actually believe that crap, or that the proponents of it could be so interested in ratings that they'd spew it even though they know it's bogus.

  2. Well, I believe it's a little more or less of all those elements. You know a psychotic liar begins to believe his own lies. A mythomaniac comes to believe his myths.
    Beck admitted in the "grown up" media that he didn't believe most of what he said and he "didn't expect most people to take him seriously".
    But what he has done is given an immature, simplified set of justifications that can be used by the fearful, economically shattered population to use as a shield against the more complicated reality.
    Again...freedom of speech?
    WQe all have freedom of speech, but if this type of sensationalistic paranoiac rhetoric had been spouted on the national airwaves during the Bush Years by "liberals", do you believe it would have been tolerated?

  3. microdot- I was struck by this line in your post:

    sensationalistic hate filled anti administration rhetoric is fueling an ever speeding out of control train of paranoia among those need simple, immature scapegoating ideas to cope with the failure of their own lives.

    This need to scapegoat seems very primitive and hearkens back to some primeval instinct tucked deep in the upper brain stem- a memory of survival in the early humanoid experience.

    Does that scapegoating still work? Are we Americans still gullible to that type of tactic? Have we, as a nation, not been witness to those long and harsh decades of slavery and Jim Crow? Does 'the past' actually 'stick' to our memories or have we developed teflon brains where everything is new again?
