Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

This 2006 sculpture by British artist, Paul Fryers
was on display on the altar at the Good Friday services in
the Cathedral in Apt, France today.


  1. Great sculpture!!
    Would be even better if he put a lightbulb in jebus' mouth, and actually electrified it.

    Hell, I'd by a miniature.

  2. I wanted to write about the Republican Catholic Church of America and the manufactured controversy regarding Barack Obama speaking at Notre Dame University and ask, what would be the Catholic Church's position if Obama were to pay a state visit to the pope?
    We should look at Nicolas Sarkozy, here in France, who is a declared traditional Catholic. He ran on restoring "traditiona" values and is very sympathetic to the right wing of Catholic Church because that is where the most militant catholioc traditionalists are politically, the extreme right wing.
    We should look at the role the catholic church played in France as a supporter of the Vichy collaborationist government during WW2. They are still actively playing a role in hiding and protecting WW2 war criminals here!

    The schixoid comparison should be of the pro abortion, 3 times married Sarkozy. The playboy egoist who after he separated from his last wife, Celia soon after he was elected president, paid a state visit to the pope which was praised and feted by the Vatican, even though Sarkozy's companion was the over the edge, anti feminist, anti homosexual, profane comendian Jean Marie Bigard....
    If the catholic church doesn't stop trying to be a player in American politics, they will probably really spark a schism in America...
    I, of course welcome it and say, "Bring it on!
    You have to nothing to fuck but yourself..."
