Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Mob Control

In the coming weeks and months, hundreds of thousands of jobless Americans will exhaust their unemployment benefits, just when it's never been harder to find a job.
Congress extended unemployment aid twice last year, allowing people to draw up to 59 weeks of benefits. As the recession drags on. waves of citiizens who lost their jobs early last year, will lose them.

Wayne Vroman, an economist at the Urban Institute, estimates that up to 700,000 people could exhaust their benefits by the second half of this year.
Perhaps some will find new jobs, but the unemplyment rate, at 8.5% now, could hit 10% by the years end.

Since the recession began in December 2007, a net total of 5.1 million jobs have been shed. Vronan foresees a "monstrous problem".
As the recession goes on, and the prospect of a jobless recovery looms, the number of Americans with out jobs, the prospect of jobs and the cut off of benefits is going to grow. Rents will not be paid, more mortgages will be foreclosed. The luckier ones will be able to move in with relatives and fret about the future.

This is going to be an angry America. It's little wonder that the institutions and politicians who were responsible for the failed policies and the orgy of greed that destroyed the American economy of the 21st century are strying so hard to shift the blame and scapegoat.

It is a war for the soul of the mob. Already, the conservatives pundits are trying to shift the blame to the new Obama administration even as they work furiously to find the solution and get the economy back on its feet.
That seems to be a reason for the over the edge rhetoric, to channel the anger and the frustrations into simplistic, immature arguments and find anyone, any group to blame but the ones responsible.
There's a lot of fear here. A population that can see reality, rather than blind anger is capable of punishing the guilty party. We watch paranoid sweaty rants by John Boehner, Michele Bachman as they try to change the subject and twist simple reality into their own demented vision of manipulation.
The War For the Soul Of The Mob.....

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