Friday, June 12, 2009

Bearded Ladies, Chicken Head Eating Geeks!

There are clowns, funny clowns and scary clowns...Lately the line between reality and entertainment seems to have become blurred. On June 9th, conservative blow hard, Charles Krauthammer actually said in an interview after accepting the Eric Breindel Award for Ecellence in Opinion Journalism (WTF?), which Krauthammer rated as more prestigious award than the Nobel Peace Prize, because, you know, it's been tainted because Jimmy Carter got it....
Krauthammer said," What Fox did is not just create a venue for alternative opinion. It created an alternate reality."

Fox has become a freak show...a cheap carnival act with snake handlers, bearded women, sword swallowers, siamese twins and chicken head eating geeks. Each day they try to top themselves in outrageousness with claims that Obama is becoming like Vladimir Putin or stirring up public outrage with distorted charges about the role of doctors who provide abortions.

People watch in outrage and in sheer fascinated horror. It's all abouyt the ratings, it's all about money. This is the genius of Rupert Murdoch.
Now we watch the entire crew squirm as they try to create an alternate reality which absolves them of the guilt and responsiblity for the rise in right wingnut violence.
When some one listen to Bill O'Reiley saying "Dr. Tiller, Baby Killer!" and then decides to become the instrument of gods wrath. Of course, when confronted with the possible results of his own words, O'Reilly, like the blowhard he is, denies that he ever said them.
This video was on Colmes program on Fox yesterday. We have heard about the freaks and the clowns. Here is a full on crack pot who uses religion as a cover for his hatred:

Colmes: then said, I asked for whom else are you praying in that fashion and you said President Obama. Are you praying for his death?

Drake: Yes.

Colmes: So you're praying for the death of the president of the United States?

Drake: Yes. Are you concerned that by saying that you might find yourself on some secret service call or FBI most wanted list. Do you think it's appropriate to say something like that or even pray for something like that?

Drake: I think it's appropriate to pray for the will of God. I'm not saying anything, what I'm doing is repeating what God is saying, if that puts me on somebodies list then I'll just have to be on their list.

Colmes: You would like for the president of the United States to die?

Drake: If he does not turn to God and does not turn his life around I am asking God to enforce in imprecatory prayers throughout the scripture that would cause him death, that's correct.

Oh, it's God that's saying it, OK, I feel better now. What a freak. He also was a running mate with inmate Alan Keyes and said this about Dr. Tiller:

A former Southern Baptist Convention officer who on June 2 called the death of abortion provider George Tiller an answer to prayer said later in the day he is also praying "imprecatory prayer" against President Obama.

Wiley Drake, pastor of First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, Calif., and former running mate of American Independent Party presidential candidate Alan Keyes, said June 2 on Fox News Radio he didn't understand why people were upset with his comments quoted by Associated Baptist Press from a webcast of his daily radio talk show.

Drake said he didn't pray for Tiller to be murdered -- only that God would take his life by some method -- but that he "absolutely" believed that God wanted the doctor dead.

Here's what it says on his homepage:

Join us on the "Wiley Drake in Buena Park" show Monday thru Thursday at 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. California time.

The theme of the show is Do Justice, Love Mercy, and Walk with God. This theme is based on Micah 6:8 and Matthew 23:23.

In his case I guess mercy means that he hopes President Obama dies...
You can see what he looks like in this clip.

Pastor Wiley Drake in action at the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting on March 10, 2009 as he attacks Planned Parenthood and Obama.

He's also a birther and calls President Obama an illegal alien


  1. Hello Microdot,
    WOW!!!! What a nut job this guy is. You are correct on the carnival act reference. Hurry Hurry Hurry…..Step right up and see the nutty reverend. He walks, He talks, He slithers on his belly like a reptile.

    On another note: The 88 year old racist that shot the guard at the holocaust museum once lived in Easton, Maryland for several years. Easton is only about 10 miles from where Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfield have their get-a-way homes in St. Michaels, MD. This guy later moved to Annapolis, MD.

    My wife and I both worked in Easton for several years. She can remember him making absurd comments in public when she was shopping in the stores of Easton. He was a hard core jerk making the “N” word comments like, “Where I was born and grew up…..”N words” knew on what side of the street they needed to be walking on.

    I am sure G.W. Bush and Cheney spoke for him politically.

  2. What did Obama do to these guys that makes them so vi-o-lent?

  3. Freak show is right. The moderate conservatives, the ones who are somewhat reasonable, should be ashamed. It's not only the inciteful maniacs on TV and radio, it's also the middle-of-the-road ones.

    In the Godfather they called it an infamia. Nowadays we would call it "una vergogna."

  4. There is a great need on the right and far-right to find 'legitimacy' in these dark, hopeless days of the Obama presidency. Their world has turned gray and frightening as they sit on the sidelines, powerless to shape or change the direction towards which they see this nation headed.

    They are like the buggy carriage maker at the time of Henry Ford or the Victrola salesman in the mid-fifties. Their future is dim and ever-darkening as they watch 'everything that they hold dear' collapse like an old hi-rise being demolished.

    Just think- a colored president who 'may' be a Muslim deep down; talk of limiting guns; more and more states granting gay marriages; more money being given to 'those people' while their resources dwindle; Latino Supreme Court nominee; socialism on the rise, the Republican Party in shambles, leaderless, powerless...

    Life as 'they know it' has changed so much that they don't recognize 'their America' any longer. Odd thoughts for us, but not-so odd to a certain group of Americans who feel totally disenfranchised.

    Enter Fox, Rush, Hannity and the rest-- they are their only lifeline back to the 'glorious' past. They are the media outlets which keep them afloat, a lifeline to grab lest they drift into nothingness.

    At that desperate point in their lives, they want clear-cut affirmation that they are not, in fact, alone in their angst and misery. They need comfort. They need to be verified. They need outrageous talk, horrendous lies to grab onto- like a rope to a drowning man.

    As a recent example, Rush said on the day that the right-wing nut killed the guard at the Holocaust Museum, that the killer was 'clearly a LEFTIST!'

    Lies to justify their existence- just like all scumbags, criminals dictators and other miscreants of history.

  5. National Socialism was similar in many respects to Italian fascism (see Fascism). The roots of National Socialism, however, were peculiarly German, grounded, for example, in the Prussian tradition of military authoritarianism and expansion; in the German romantic tradition of hostility to rationalism, liberalism, and democracy; in various racist doctrines according to which the Nordic peoples, as so-called pure Aryans, were not only physically superior to other races, but were the carriers of a superior morality and culture; and in certain philosophical traditions that idealized the state or exalted the superior individual and exempted such a person from conventional restraints.

    In other words, Rush and his cohorts, who have tried to imply that the Holocaust Museum Killer was some how a leftist are merely twisting language to confuse the already addled viewers of their programs.

  6. The smartest, healthiest dogs are always the mutts.

  7. Like my border daschound buddy, J.Edgar. His parents must have been acrobats.
