Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Real Picture

In the last post, we saw a phony clumsily photoshopped cloned crowd in an official Iranian picture of the pro Ahmadinejad Rally on Sunday. Many of the actual live participants were bussed in from all over Iran.

Meanwhile, every day this week, ever growing of Pro Musavi demonstrators are taking to the street and in spite of a government ban on pictures and reporting, CNN and Al Jazeera are getting on the average of 30 Twitter messages an hour with pictures.

This video of the pro Musavi rally today was posted less than an hour ago on YouTube.
I read a great article in the Independant earlier stating that at the confrontation between the Ahmadinejad and Musavi demonstrators, the police actually stepped in to protect the pro Musavi demonstrators from the Revolutionary Guard.
The police were carried on the shoulders of the Pro Musavi demonstrators.

The Ayatollahs know that they have to bend to the will of the Iranian people. As I said before, the Persians invented chess and this game is being elegantly played.
How will it end? The Ayatollahs want to retain power, but at this point, no matter what choice they make, their power has already seriously eroded.

Become repressive masters and install an Ahmadinejad dictatorship?
Give into the masses and allow more freedom and open democracy?

Either way, the Iranian people who brought about the first revolution and overthrew the regime of the Shah had no goal other than to get rid of the Shah. Khomeni came into a vacuuum as a hero and installed his Revolutionary Islamic State.
This time, the people have much more refined and defined goals. A modern Islamic state with personal representation and freedom. They seem to be ready to fight for it with the fervor of the last revolution. The Ayatollahs can only ride the wave and try to cling onto power....


  1. Hello Microdot,
    When I saw this information getting out on Twitter, YouTube, Bloggs, i.e. the network of people like ourselves working hard to get the word out. Whether it is an oppressive incumbent Administration stealing an election in Iran, or a corrupt Republican Bush / Cheney Administration stealing a U.S. election, it is up to the population to let the rest of the world know.

  2. Silence is powerful. Yet, 'the people' of Iran, especially the youth, are defenseless against the well-armed and well-trained security forces of the government.

    The only question is whether those government troops will shoot their own unarmed citizens.

    Kent State University.
