Sunday, June 07, 2009

Hangover Of Hatred

This is a pretty offensive video on a lot of levels. It's never a pretty sight, drunken racist rage in flagrant delicto.
This video was shot on the streets of Jerusalem on the evening of June 3, 2009 after Barack Obama gave his speech in Cairo promoting understandiong between America and the Moslem world.
The young people in this video are of American origin, some hold dual citizenship, most are in Israel as part of a program to bring American Jewish youths to Israel to experience "their" culture and learn the Israeli talking points.
So here we are. Pure hate, rage, unwilling to listen, unwilling to make the least effort to try to comprehend what was actually said, only blind hatred directed at an American Black President who dares to speak to the Islamic world.

Whenever I write about Israel and the attitude with which it tries to justify it's existence, invariably I am challenged with the thumbs up or thumbs down question:

"Do you deny Israels right to exist?"

Not any more than I deny or accept any other countries right to exist. Certainly in the power and land grabs of the interlude between the wars in the middle east when a lot of the present states were created artificially by the intervention of the Europeans, this is a concept which is liquid.
But basically, I accept Israels right to exist and do not argue about it. I will on the other hand argue about the entire religious heritage aspect of Zionism as much as I would argue with the Islamic reasoning. Religion is the root of the problem. Trying to find answers to our present problems by way of religion is like asking for a weather forecast from a prehistoric mammoth frozen in a glacier. Reason and concepts which were frozen in time and became unalterable truth for a world that has progressed beyond the medieval minds which have encoded it.

When I was young, I was caught up in the myths of the exodus, the struggle depicted of the persecuted Jews in search of a homeland. To see this ideal perverted and now used to indoctrinate American kids to continue the useless and destructive path of the Israeli occupation has pretty much destroyed any romantic feelings I have had.
The video depicts the voice of ignorant, blind indoctrinated and institutionalized hatred. When the girl in the video is asked repeatedly if she knows who Benjamin Netenyahu is and barely has a clue...she makes my point only too poignantly.

This news release from Reuters, yesterday sheds a little more light on why the Israelis are telling American kids that Obama wants to destroy Israel. Why shouldn't America continue to honor an illegal secret "understanding" they claim they had with the Bush Administration?

JERUSALEM — Senior Israeli officials accused President Obama on Wednesday of failing to acknowledge what they called clear understandings with the Bush administration that allowed Israel to build West Bank settlement housing within certain guidelines while still publicly claiming to honor a settlement “freeze.”

The complaint was the latest in a growing rift between the Obama administration and the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over how to move forward to achieve peace in the Middle East.

[...] The Israeli officials said that repeated discussions with Bush officials starting in late 2002 resulted in agreement that housing could be built within the boundaries of certain settlement blocks as long as no new land was expropriated, no special economic incentives were offered to move to settlements and no new settlements were built.

The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity so that they could discuss an issue of such controversy between the two governments.

I hope the kids in the video woke up the next morning with hangovers and the ability to recall what they had said the night before. If not, I hope they get a chance to see themselves as others see them!


  1. I am amazed and appalled.

    Given the historical support of American Jews for the Democratic party and philosophy , and their participation in the civil rights movement, this video goes against everything I ever thought I knew about American Jews.

    But, I suppose that extemist religious fanaticism combined with alcohol breeds this kind of idiocy.

    That girl who claimed to be a poly-sci major, and didnt know who Benjamin Netenyahu was and questioned Obama's citizenship, calling him a terrorist, is a rare example of gross stupidity by a tradition that has always favored knowledge and education.



  2. When did a drunken fanatic have to rational?

  3. Idiocy, it seems, is not locked up here in the States.

    I wonder if those clowns are some of the so-called christians for Israel, the group which wants 'the holy Land' to be purified of the infidels so that Jesus's landing pad is immaculate.

  4. No, I believe they are all for the most part "nice jewish kids" who get sent to Israel as part of a program to let them share the Israeli experience and learn the talking points. My grand nephew was one of them last year.
    They go on tours, go to seminars and hang out and party.
    My grand nephew came back with a very jaundiced view of the process, but for a lot of kids, it is an indoctrination process.
    They suddenly are living their "heritage" and learning racism first hand from experts.

  5. "Do you deny Israels right to exist?"

    Israel exists. But Israel continues to deny the Palestinians a right to exist in the same way.
