Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Well, it's not quite and annual event, but the very prestigious Brain Police Blog Power is being awarded this evening to a young woman from Homer, Alaska, Shannyn Moore, who writes the blog, Just A Girl From Homer.

The previous recipient was a guy named Spocko, who authors a blog called Spocko's Brain and fought a one man war and won against San Francisco Radio Staion, KSFO and their non stop hate speech.

Shannyn is a journalist and radio commentator who has been onto Sarah Palin from the beginning and has chronicled the corruption that she has left in her wake as she rose to power in Alaska and has tried to assume a role in national politics.
After Miss Palin made her bizarre series of announcements this weekend, Shannyn became the focus of Palins' lawyers rambling series of incoherent threats to the First Amendment.

As if we the people do not have the right to ask "What The Fuck?" when some one exhibits the bizarre behavioral performance that Palin did on Friday, when she resigned the governorship of Alaska....

For the record, Palin threatened legal action against most of the Mainstream media and a number of blog news sites, but she singled out Shannyn for particular notice.
For this and having the guts to hold a news conference in front of the governors office yesterday and state, "Sarah Palin, if you have a problem with me, then sue me! Shannon Moore will not be muzzled!"
Shannyn will be on Countdown tonight and here is the segment....


  1. Hello Microdot,
    What a great choice you have made. I can think of no one better. Good Job!

  2. Thanks- I missed this. Indeed, Ms. Palin thrives on her 'poor me' visage and knuckleheads here in American believe it.

  3. Micro, I'd been avoiding this story, but I'm glad I got caught up on it over here. Thanks.

  4. Gee garsh, Shannyn...
    I'm puttin' you on my blog roll!

  5. The Huffington post...objective "news" at it's finest I'm sure.

  6. FOX NEWS, all the news you can stuff in one nostril and fill a hankie with, I'm sure. (That was the polite analogy)

  7. In case you were wondering, the other analogy involves one of Dich Cheney's well used Depends Brand Adult Diapers and a rather large tea pot....
