Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Atheist Camel Chronicles, again....even...

Since I am going away and there will be a 2 week break while I labor in the vineyard, I am posting the link for Dromeday Hump's new book, The Atheist Camel Chronicles.
You can buy his book directly from Amazon by clicking the link, but you might enjoy visiting his blog, Atheist Camel where you can purchase the book directly and see why he gives fundamentalists of all persuasions hairballs, neuritis, neuralgia and causes uncomfortable chafing and heat rash in the moist nether regions of their minds.
And, as long as I am pushin' other peoples books,
please consider checking out my friend, Suze Rotolo's great book,
A Freewheelin' Time
I have reviewed the book on thios blog twice, recently it was released here in France and it is to be released in Germany, Japan and Lebanon....
A really heartfelt personal and social history of the early 60's and the folk/rock
scene in New York as well as an over view of her life story up to and after her relationship with Dylan.
If you are even remotely interested in this time and place and the music, you need to read this book!


  1. Micro!!!
    Thanks for the plug..again!!!

    Book is already on top ten best selling atheist themes on amazon; was promoted by; and in the Huntington post.

    Thanks for helping make my book a success. For that, I will buy two lbs of French brie, and drink only french wine for the next year.

    Thanks and be safe.

  2. Brie is for sissies, get your self a nice stinky epoisses.

    no problem hump, I thought I'd give you 2 weeks of my blog break!

    I have been working exclusively with an extended Morrocan family for the last week...I have enlarged my Morrocan vocabulary was told that I wasn't American any more, but Morrocan....
