Friday, July 10, 2009

Selective Outrage

Conservative military coup in Iran BAD! Conservative military coup in Honduras GOOD! Both Coups are veiled in the trappings of trying to defend the legitimacy of the respective governments. The Iranian conservative military rigged an election, violently suppressed dissent, arrested foreign embassy employees, squashed freedom of the press and spew non stop beligerrence at the rest of the world and non stop propaganda to their people.

The Honduran Conservative Military ousted the legitimate president, used violence against the population to suppress dissent. They kicked out reporters from Telesur, the Latino version of CNN and have spewed nonstop beligerrent rhetoric at their neighbors and propaganda to their population. They murdered leftist opposition party leaders and took embassy employees and officials into custody.
So why the selective outrage from the American Conservatives?

Does it have anything to do with the fact that until the election of Jose Manuel Zelaya, Honduras was a stalwart outpost and bastion of America's power and influence in the region? Honduras recieves millions of dollars in military aid and the military is trained from the bottom up and controlled by the Pentagon.
The interim President, Michelletti, is a military appointee and when elections are held, he is expected to give way to the Conservative leader, Hector Rene Forseca, who has very deep ties and support from the American Christian Right.

Things become more interesting when you realize that the point man is the present US Ambassador, a hold over from the Bush Era, Hugo Llorens. Llorens is a Cuban American who was very active in the failed 2002 Coup against Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. He has yet to be recalled, yet the OAS and the EU have recalled their ambassadors and frozen Honduran assets, which the USA has yet to do. The freezing of the assets would cut off the funds, choke the couup and discourage its wealthy backers.

Now, the disturbing part....
Last week, in a diatribe to the Honduran people, the interim foreign minister, "Chancellor" Enrique Ortez made some pretty outrageous statements directed at governments who dared to criticize and interfere with the coup. He said that President Zapatero of Spain should go back to "shining shoes"...a rather witless remark based on a pun referring to the Spanish word for shoes, zapata.

He went on to refer to Barack Obama as "Ese negrito que ne sabe nada de nada" That is a very insulting phrase that loosely translates to "that little black boy who doesn't know anything" . He continues to warn President Obama that he should be looking over his own shoulder because he could be next.

This was occuring about the same time that the rather large, obnoxious bag of slime known as Rush Limbaugh was making his statements about ho a military coup "like the on that just occurred in Honduras" might be a good thing.
Just what is the connection here? Because this was no coincidence. The pieces are all in place for a 2 bit conspiracy theory...from one 2 bit asshole to another...Rush??? You are treading on very shaky ground here...


  1. It depends on which "news" you watch I guess.
    Here in the states, Obama decided to take a "mind his own business" stance on Iranians protesting their regime (while schmoozing Iranian diplomats in the U.S) and then making less than flattering remarks about a military who deposed a corrupt president who was openly violating their constitution! I'm seeing a pattern of Obama siding with the despots and dismissing people who want less government control!

    Says a lot about him the way he picks his allies in the world.

  2. Sepp, I hate to say it, but you are becoming a skipping record. Every post is totally negative and totally missing reality because of your non bending anti Obama frame of mind.
    Okay, the ball is in your court...
    just what would have George W Jr. have done that would have had a positive result?
    Bomb, bomb, bomb, BOMB IRAN?
    Different sanctions than what the Obama administration is enacting?

    Telling those naughty ayatollahs off?

    What would you have done that wouldn't be playing into the hands of the military coup?

    When you say that Obama "picked Iran as an allie", I will unequivokly say that you are sspouting bullshit of the rankest quality.

    Careful of the tea you guys are drinkin at those teabag parties, the teabag of today was probably one of Dick Cheney's used Depends.

  3. When Obama does something positive for America, he'll get his kudos from me...til then, I'll just have to be that skipping record. Now you know how you sounded for the last 8years!
    At least when Bush did stupid crap, I was honest enough to call it for what it was...can we get at least that much from you where Obama is concerned? Doubtfull.

    ...and don't misquote me. I said "schmoozing with Iran's leaders" but, hell he may as well have allied himself with them. While they were shooting people in the streets, Obama said nothing...except for when he invited Iran's diplomats to come watch the 4th of July fireworks with him! (THAT is bullshit of the rankest quality)
    Meanwhile he's trying to back up a Chavez-backed sleazbag who was deposed for violating the country's constitution!

    I don't know whats worse. The fact that Obama sided against liberty twice in one week or, that a rational person as yourself sees no problem with that.
    Maybe you should check whats in YOUR drink!
