Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Shatner Does Palin (07/27/09)

Back home after nice little train ride back from the middle ages and splash down in the surreal swamp that our modern world has become. I listened to the BBC once in a while and heard that Plain had resigned officially, but it took William Shatner to recognize the true depths of the mind of Sarah Palin. A mind like a frigid lake with fragments of thoughts colliding like melting ice floes on a global warming challenged afternoon.
William Shatner again proves that sheer poetry hath no shame like unto a woman who seeketh a good book deal and a talk show, or uhhh, higher office or whatever...

More over, she has proved the utter lack of depth and real ideas and the sheer belief that baseless inuendo and relentless spin can turn the reality of an elected official turning her back on her responsibility and office, her utter lack of integrity by blaming the pressure of the press or whatever....
into the kind of billious crap that seems to be what passes for a vicarious glimmer of hope to a political party of sore losers.


  1. Hello Microdot,
    It is good to see you back. I have missed you and I am looking forward to you talented work.

  2. Welcome back, Micro. The Shatner rendition is great. What you said about Palin seeking "a good book deal and a talk show, or uhhh, higher office or whatever."

    Please don't let it be the higher office. I couldn't stand it.

  3. Ambition is limited only by it's very real mediocrity, I will make this prediction that Palin will become the next whatever-in-chief.
    A new product spokesperson for a brand name product that has become increasingly diluted, deluded and should have been taken off the market when it's product expiration date expired back in the 70's.
    Watch the chaos as she crashes and burns. Unfortunately, it will make an unsightly mess and we will get unavoidably splattered by the burning slime.
    Can I lend you a tissue?

  4. I found this independently while surfin' the world wide web (ha, so dated). This is fine entertainment. Why can't we have more good stuff like this. Transcendent (or is that Sub-transcendent or whatever the opposite of transendent is. Oh, what the hell am I talking about?)
