Saturday, August 08, 2009

A Short History Of America....

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Robert Crumbs Klassik strip from the 70's.
In the late 80's he added three new panels.
Klik on them to enlarge them.
Crumb is still a giant in the world of cartoon art.
I suppose I felt like publishing this because we are about to celebrate the
40th anniversary of a seminal cultural event.
The Woodstock Music Festival.
I am going to be posting a bit about this anniversary because I am finally "coming out"
and admitting that I was there. I was in denial during the 70's and the 80's, well,
because I was a punk.
I have the pictures to prove it and my personal memories are
used in the new bestselling book,
Woodstock Peace, Music & Memories
by Brad Littleproud and Joanne Hague.
The anniversary is in one week and if you have any memories or thoughts that you would like to share on this blog, email them to me at
I will share them.


  1. The cartoon pieces you posted were fantastic. Qu'est-ce que l'artiste!

    I did not attend Woodstock as I was caring for a baby at the time. My wife thought it more important for me to change diapers than smoke pot and listen to music.

    Who knows what might have been had the Woodstock event have been two years earlier???

  2. Hello Microdot,
    Gooooooood Posting. I was playing in rock bands the summer of 69. So of course as soon as I heard the news begging everyone to stay home because there was just too many people going to Woodstock NY and the whole infrastructure just could not handle it all…… I wanted take off right then and there to head off to NY. So I rode off in my car, opened my little bag of leafy substance, and joined them all… spirit. :-)

    Earlier that summer, when I got home late at night on July 20, 1969 my mother was watching TV. I sat down with her and we watched Neil Armstrong step down on the moon……and I wanted to head to the moon…..and I opened my little bag of leafy substance and joined Neil on the moon …..In spirit. :-)

    Somewhere along the way between these two major events of 1969, there seems to be a single common denominator….but I just can’t put my fingers on it any more. ;-)

    Happy Annual Woodstock Celebrations to All and To All Goodnight.

  3. I seem to have made as lifetime of being at the wrong place at the right time.....

  4. I am sure you have lived a very exciting life...The type that only could have dreamed of living. I know that you and I will be sitting back in our golden years with big smiles on our faces as we savor our memories of the crap we got away with (sometimes did not get away with it) but all in all, would not trade a single moment of it.

    Life is so much more interesting and fun if you live it pushing yourself to the edge of it.

  5. I have already decided that my epitaph shall be "He Got Away With It"

    We all have had interesting lives, my wife has had a much more interesting life than I have...or at least when I hear her tales...when I think about mine: "been there, done that!"
