Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Get Sick, See Paris....

So the big issue with Republican about Health Care Reform is making sure illegal immigrants are not covered. If an illegal immigrant has a health issue and goes to an emergency room in a hospital, one way or another, under US law, he has to be treated.
This treatment is reimbursed by the government. That's why we are seeing the problems with emergency rooms, the over crowding and the poor using them as clinics of the last resort.

In fact an average emergency room visit is billed at around $1,000.00 (per AARP)
So, why can't we do something that costs much less money?
Why not buy an illegal immigrant who needs health care a round trip plane ticket to France?

You do the math:
Depending how you book the flight, you can get bargains these days at around $500 to $600 bucks for a one week stay round trip NYC/Paris, or Washington, DC/Paris.
A visit to a French Emergency room is a straight 23 that's $33.80
If the patient is admitted to the hospital, the daily fee is 23 Euros, so a week is $33.50 times 7 = 234.50
The grand total in dollars is between $768 and $868....
Okay, so you might have trouble booking in advance for an emergency...but you get the idea........


  1. haha! fantastic!

  2. An interesting, tangential factoid that might be of interest here is that the vast majority of Republicans call themselves christians, but don't give a damn about ill 'illegals.'

    Reminds me of the Samaritan issue at the time of Jesus.

  3. You won't believe this, but I've been mulling over that one all night long!.. about the good Samaritan. I thought a good satire might be of a Sunday school teacher giving the Samaritan lesson and little Johnny point's out that the person in the picture being helped looks Latino; Johnny gets sent to the corner.
