Saturday, September 05, 2009

How To Confuse An Atomic Bomb....

Senator Al Franken demonstrates exactly why the Republicans fought so hard to keep him from his rightfully won Senate seat! About a dozen tea party activists had staked out Sen. Al Franken's booth, and confronted him loudly when he arrived. But within minutes, he'd turned an unruly crowd into a productive conversation on health care. The discussion went from insurance reform, to the public option, to veterans benefits, to cap and trade. He made a few laugh and even told a touching story that moved a few to tears. A whole lot of common ground was found.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Microdot,
    Notice how the lady’s first question was, “Are you going to vote how Obama wants you to vote.” As we all have said before, it is not about health care, Tea Baggers are about being against Obama in general. The first thing Al Franken was to get the conversation away from Obama and take the Tea Bagger off script. Once off scrip, these lemmings could not think for themselves enough to even formulate a coherent question.

    Al Franken learned how to handle drunken crowds his whole life in comedy clubs. Tea Baggers have more in common with loud mouth, booze soaked brains, drunks than democratic debating.

    The other thing to keep in mind is the fact that the opposition has always under estimated the sharp wit, quick mind, and he has always been prepared on the subject he will need to speak about.

    Good posting my friend and always, Good Job.
