Thursday, October 01, 2009


"Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration that would do the serious business of governing and defending the nation. Skilled, military-trained, nation-builders would replace accountability-challenged, radical-left commissars. Having bonded with his twin teleprompters, the president would be detailed for ceremonial speech-making.

Military intervention is what Obama’s exponentially accelerating agenda for “fundamental change” toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A coup is not an ideal option, but Obama’s radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible."

This is an excerpt from an article by William Perry that was posted last night on the GOP sponsored news site, NEWSMAX.  It was up for a few hours until the rest of the world outside of the billious  bubble began to notice it.
The article mysteriously disappeared, never to be spoken of again.
Perhaps Mr. Perry thought he was reaching an audience where his theme of a coup d'etat would resonate.
NEWSMAX, realizing the line they had crossed, quickly pulled the article, but they probably are pleased that they were able to add this theme to the obscenely orchestrated obstructionist concerto of hate that they are creating in America.
Will these chicken shit banana republicans get away with this? Will this be ignored and will everyone try to make nice? Wanna bet?


  1. It doesn't surprise me, they actually ATTEMPTED the same thing on FDR. Nothing ever came of those coup plotters for their treason, I imagine nothing will come of this.

  2. When I first heard this story last evening, I thought, of course! There is a large knot of people in America who would rather see a military coup than have a black man as president. That is how far out of the mainstream these nuts are!

    Absolutely sick and morally corrupt, yet I'm willing to bet that this lot attend church regularly and 'profess' a faith in god.
