Saturday, October 10, 2009

Let's Play Fair...

This article was published yesterday, October 9, in The Boston Commons, on their website.
When I went to the comments, for some reason almost every comment had been censored by the editor. I tried to comment, but voila! My comment was censored, too. I can't imagine why. I promise, I will not censor your comment and I will kick it off with my comment.
Here is the article:


LAS VEGAS- The Miss America Organization says Rush Limbaugh will be a judge for the 2010 Pageant in Las Vegas.
It will be heald at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on Jan.30, boradcast live on TLC.
Limbaugh will be on the panel of seven judges that will help decide who will be crowned
Miss America 2010.
The Misss America Organization said Friday when making the announcement that Limbaugh's Radio Program is in its 22nd year and is on nearly 600 radio stations with an audience of 20 million.
President and CEO Art McMaster says the organization is thrilled to have Limbaugh as a judge.

Voila, that was the article, comments , please......


  1. Whooaa! Rush is gonna get a little bothered when he finds out it isn't a "Chicks With Dicks" contest!

  2. I hope he gets his medication straightened part viagra to three parts oxycontrin...or was that 2 parts oxycontrin to 3 parts viagra?...oh fuck it...what ever!

  3. Hello Microdot,
    What a strange and sad development to give this blowhard any validity. Will the beauty contestants have to recite passages from Neo-Con Radio? What in the hell is Donald Trump thinking. Have the amount of people that watch the antiquated meat market judging of young women dropped so low that he has to try to tap into this fanatical right wing demographics?

    Well I can assure you; this program will never be turned on my TV set.

  4. The credibility of Miss America as something relevant to women in general has totally been lost irevokably FOREVER....

  5. Seriously, Limbaugh has been a misogynist and an openly anti womens rights bigot for years. His statements that are blatantly offensive to women if complied woulf fill volumes.
    This highlights not only the sexist nature of the Miss America Pageant, but how unbelievably this McMasters fellow is out of touch with reality.

    This is going to become a big issue and might just become a pie ion the face of the clown Limbaugh.....
    Let's give it to him!

  6. Trump runs the Miss USA contest and not the Miss America contest.

    Microdot, do you suffer from dyslexia, don't know how to spell or just have a weird keyboard? Inquiring minds want to know.

    What an appropriate word verification for you on this post: concit. Reminds me of you and the word "conceit". Describes you to a T. LOL

  7. Hmm. now I am wondering where the reference to Donald Trump came from because no where in my post did I ever mention his name or make a connection to him, but no matter, I am so pleased that you have decided to take time from your busy life of plucking hairs from your facial moles to vist my little blog and GROVEL ON YOUR SCABBY KNEES BEFORE THE TRUE ANTI CHRIST! Thank you for your interest and undying admiration.
