Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Paint Your Toes With Bulls Blood?

I seem to have drawn the attention and ire of a lifelong student engaged in interpreting biblical verse. Not many people actually have read the bible, but they rely on people who claim to have actually read it to "interpret" what is written.
Now there is a conservative christian group who claims they are re editing the bible to fix the parts which might encourage "liberal" tendencies.
I find it disturbing that this collection of myths, slanted history, misunderstood physical and psychological phenomena which confused humans compiled in an attempt to impose order on a universe beyond their understanding is still taken so seriously.
I might find it funny, but the results have crippled the intellectual evolution of our specie.
This video brings up just a few verses which seem to have no bearing on any healthy reality imaginable. Why would a supreme being want the fat around bull kidneys?
Just asking.....


  1. sell the vatican and feed the poor!

  2. Great video and kudos for bring to light the idiocy of the bible. Fat around the kidneys of a bull, eh? That 'god' of Israel must be porcine if he needs every 'believer' to bring him a fat sandwich.

    So, you are confronting a life-long student who believes every word, every phrase of the bible as 'truth from god?'

    Tell them that there are meds for OCD/bipolar disorder.

  3. Next on the block of skepticism.. The Koran?
